
(Person, Yugoslavia)

A guy from sezam. Saw him first on one of the fairs that I visited while in Avai, so that'd probably be 1996, when he was already the editor of the magazine which founded the first sezam.

He kept getting lost from my sights and then reappearing. Along with Škrba, he's the only one who's always in the same groups (there and then) or mailing lists (here and now) - the oldwave, rasejani and suština. We finally started meeting when we returned from the US, first on the meetings of this diaspora list, then as writers for Škrba's blog.

Presently divorced, one daughter, in search of the next job/gig.

Mentions: 20-V-1995., 14-XII-1995., 11-I-1996., 15-V-1997., 24-III-1999., Počelo je, 04-III-2003., 25-III-2003., 02-VI-2004., 05-VII-2010., 12-VII-2010., 16-IX-2010., 21-VII-2011., 27-VII-2012., 16-VIII-2012., 10-IX-2012., 21-VII-2013., 03-XII-2013., 11-XII-2013., 24-V-2014., 05-IV-2015., 24-X-2016., 14-XI-2016., 13-VII-2019., 01-II-2021., 18-III-2021., 02-IV-2021., Change of horses, 04-X-2021., 26-IX-2022., 24-VII-2023., Avai, Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Joška Apro, milfovača, oldwave, rasejani, sezam, suština, in serbian

20-VIII-2017 - 21-XI-2019