
Around lunch I got a call from Slavica - auntie Janja has come. Ah the hell... she even mentioned staying with us. I ate quickly and went over there. My first words were "when do you have a bus?" - the most polite way I found to say "who the fuck invited you". She was kind of shocked but then I said "well if it's by the end of my shift I can take you to the station, it's halfway home for me".

Then dad sort of shuffled a bit, opened his eyes, and she pulled up a chair to his couch, bent lower to him, than (watch this) pulled up his left hand over her shoulder, pretending that he did it for a brotherly embrace and pretending that we didn't see it. Affectation and pretense to the max. Dunno what she tried to accomplish with this show - to show (to me?) that she was a good sister and that her brother was fond of her? He couldn't stand her. When his mother died (1947, I think), grandfather married again and oops, had a daughter, nineteen years younger than dad. Neither he nor his sisters liked the new baby, and her growing into the fat pretentious cow didn't help. As her husband said, "when she was so fat and I drove a fića, I had to haul her in two parts".

I took her to the station and then went for a bit of shopping. Roda is next to it and then there are kiosks. I brought a carton of those thin Bond purple label cigarettes for Slavica and a sixpack of guaranas (a so-called energy drink, ie. some soda with twice the caffeine). She seems to be living on that, as she's clocked about for hours of sleep for the whole week. Paja came and went, was there most of the time. At some point I ran out of cigarettes, so I started helping myself from the Bond, which he commented with „some whiteworldly manners you have, aren't you supposed to ask first?“. Of course, he wasn't there when I brought them.

They started prepping dad, put some socks on him. The blotches from his hands were mostly gone. His breathing is getting even shallower but kept steady. Just when we'd think he's done, he'd get asleep for a few minutes and return with some more energy. He's now peeing perhaps once a day. Got another pack of diapers but seems like he doesn't need much; she said to buy just a couple but the pharmacy in Roda doesn't sell them apiece.

At about 1:30 she just told me to go get some sleep. At least her assistant was getting some.

Mentions: auntie Janja, fića, Paja Čkaljević, Slavica Istra, in serbian