auntie Janja

(Person, Yugoslavia)

Dad's half- sister, by father. I never saw my faternal grandmother (nor maternal grandfather, for that matter), she died some time in the forties. What I thought was grandmother was actually grandfather's second wife, which I learned when I was perhaps a teenager.

This aunt of mine took after her mother - the nose shape is not ours, and the mouth shape is her mother's (which I didn't like for many years, unable to explain why) but she's the same blonde like we mostly are, even more so. Should be some six years older than me (two days short of being exactly that, found out when the restitution papers with everybody's DoB's came). There's even more so of her; as a girl (see april 1959) she was big for her age and kind of relatively fat (actually not, very few people were fat then). When she got married (1969?) she got fat quickly and stayed so ever since.

Has a strong voice (when she calls, and she does whenever dad doesn't hear the phone for a few days, I don't need to pass on what she said - it's loud and clear), and strong personality, gets her matter pushed through the red tape (be it administration, or court - she used to work as some kind of clerk). Still a great paper pusher - the restitution process would probably take twice as long without her fervor.

Mentions: april 1959., march 1961., 04-V-1969., 11-V-1969., 26-VI-1972., Theatre begins, 19-VIII-1973., 17-IV-1976., New forest, 17-III-1979., We're married, 25-III-2003., 08-VIII-2011., Mom's funeral, 28-I-2012., 26-VI-2013., 02-VII-2016., 16-I-2017., 17-I-2017., 19-I-2017., 25-II-2017., 15-VII-2017., 12-I-2018., 29-VI-2018., 13-X-2018., Cemetetry search, 20-VI-2021., 27-IV-2023., 01-XII-2023., 18-XII-2023., Anica Tešić, Zajač, in serbian