
(Person, Yugoslavia)

An old friend of Adža and Zaka, part of the local accoustic scene in mid-seventies. Then he vanished for a while and came back as a solid rocker but with a crazy bent on satirical, absurd and/or disjointed lyrics, mocking everything around. While he can sing whatever way he wants and can play guitar like anyone, he chose to sing often out of tune, or slightly out of tune... But, when you hear him play the same things over and over (over the years), you understand that he's out of tune exactly to the same degree in the same places every time. And instead of playing a mouth accordion, he plays a gourd. Sometimes a kazoo too.

Mentions: 31-VIII-1976., 09-VI-1998., 01-VIII-2005., 10-IX-2010., 06-VIII-2019., 24-I-2020., 23-X-2021., Radoslav Kajganić (Zaka), Stanimir Hadžić (Adža), zelenoZvono, in serbian

25-II-2020 - 17-VI-2024