
Yet another visit to Svemiks, where I did some more work on the cooperation, aka Acc157 - some checking of members; the form files were generated afresh and there's some checking routine to prevent the satellite stations from inventing new partners; that's reserved for the main office. The data exchange with the satellites went fine in my simulations, and when I carried floppies myself. When we tried it over the modem, from the silo at the entrance to the village, it worked flawlessly, but with other three it never did at all. The phone lines were unusable, cell phones weren't up to the task (and couldn't plug a modem into them anyway), and the floppy drives were dirty from chaff. The same thing then worked fine for MXM.

And oh yes, there was a problem for a while there with the house network, which crapped some. It wasn't the hardware, that is, the machines were all new and good, the cables spanking new, Peja tested them all out (and that's when I saw the glue gun for the first time, all the outlets were wall mounted and with this there's no need for holes or screws, just stick it to the wall), it was that there was some update for the windowses 95 or was it 98 already, where it started screwing up. The file handle would just disappear, or well it can't disappear, a number is a number is a number, it would lose connection to the file. We complained about that, had them see with their IT contractor, whoever sold the machines, we checked our part and it's all the same as elsewhere where it just works. So it must be something in the network software. And this time we heard a guy did come, some hotshot fresh off all of them m$ courses, who checked that the network indeed works. He opened a word document from machine A and saved it on machine C while sitting at machine B, it all works. Whoa, that's networking for you? One time operation passes, so it's all working? Why does it close files when they stay open for a while, which wasn't happening before? Ah, yes, to increase overall network speed, thank you very much, it wasn't broken, for which dick were you fixing it.

I don't quite remember how I solved that. To fix something that m$ broke never made any sense, it will stay broken, it must be that I rather went on checking whether a table was still open, and if it wasn't, well, open it again... which I probably did in the GenerAll itself, so it would work everywhere, because who'll go through two dozen apps... Maybe I'd be capable of finding in the code, but it's been twonysix years since, and I wouldn't even know where to look.

The day before, some import routine will now use arj instead of pkzip, because it would tread over the stack (whatever that meant) when called multiple times during the same fox session. Lots of work for EnergoPro on their workshop app, about tracking materials and semiproducts. Their product has a recursive structure, just like a recipe in BarSys has.

Around this time I saw Tejka, which was inevitable, as her office was on the same floor, just around the corner. I think we met three times. First time we just spotted each other in the hall, then went to her office and had a drink. I think not a vinjak, must have been a loza, that sat better with her. Just one - I don't mind a drink at work, the later the better, and no more than one, I need my head for work. And if I need to drive, not even that. That day I was on bike, so why not. Word after word, we came to SF, of which her husband is a fan, and when Ursula leGuin was mentioned, she said she's got a full set of her books, which I didn't even know were published here. Next time she brought them, and then I read them and returned them, which was the third time. The fourth was next year.

While I'm at random encounters, Sneca was also in the building, but on the second floor, and I saw her only once.

One such day I was riding my bike from work, and without a hitch - the chain didn't derail, he tire didn't gain a hole, so I didn't have to push it for 6km and ponder dark thoughts along the way. Why are the tires so bad, because there's too much sand in the rubber, and there it is because it's cheaper that way, and that's why this junk sells, because nobody buys any more expensive ones, and there are no better ones because nobody would buy them, people have no money, because Sloba set the country so that he and his are the haves and for the others whatever remains... This would end after about four kilometers, when I'd conclude that I'm no assassin material, I'd either miss or get caught before even taking aim, I'd be screwed along with the whole family and he'd just get more pretext to rail against more enemies.

No, this time it was all fine, as much as possible under the circumstances (now whether this was this summer or the last, can't know), so I stopped by that hole-in-the-wall shop to buy a few CDs, to expand our library a bit. I knew the owner was Go's boyfriend at the time, and I didn't know whether he knew who I was. Nothing, regular shop talk, the guy is neither folded nor into-your-face, neither ugly nor a beauty, just a regular guy. I think I bought the two Tom Waits CDs then.

Bare ten days later here he came knocking on our door, asking whether Go was at home. Wait a moment, let me see... no she won't come out. The guy went away all peed on, tail low, never saw him again (unless that's the same guy, three blocks from here, who later had a carwash in the yard). Who knows what she was doing to others that we didn't know of. I know just that Slavko and Dražen were hers for a while, don't know in which order nor how long they lasted, not too long for sure.

Their night life began around 23, i.e. they set off from home to be on the spot then. And the spot wasn't downtown, it was that stretch between Mravinjak (Anthill) and zelenozvono, where it made a real korzo. If the Bell had a deejay or a club band inside, the Mravinjak had a terrace above its main room, where they'd put a live band, often panta, and they'd hit the chords all night. They'd split between three and five, or even later. It lasted for years, and I think we saw the young taking off to town at 22:30 even twenty years later.

On the ZR radio I saw a title „Music of american whites“.

Mentions: Acc157, BarSys, Dražen, EnergoPro, fox, GenerAll, Gorana Sredljević (Go), korzo, loza, Majkrosoft (m$), MXM, panta, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Slavko Burić, Snežana Stojanović (Sneca), Svemiks, vinjak, Vladimir Pejin (Peja), zelenoZvono, in serbian

30-VIII-2011 - 26-VI-2024