
(Place, tavern, firm, Yugoslavia)

"Green bell". A bar, actually two bars. The one off-center was in a wide street in the peasant part of the city, where there was another bar (the Anthill) a block away, so for a while in the nineties that street became the center of night life. The Anthill had a terrace on the top floor, facing the street, where panta would frequently play, while the Green Bell held most of its gigs inside. The selection of musicians and other guests was not to the liking of the rulers then, so it was set to fire one night, and the ruins are still standing untouched (as of 2017).

The one downtown was in the upper foyer of the city theatre, the space being mostly unused or used for prop storage until then. It worked between, I'd say, 2002 and 2017 when the guy had to close because of allegedly unpaid rent. My guess is that he had some kind of deal with the city hall at the time, and then when the powers changed between 2012 and 2014 the deal still held. However, this time they didn't like his choice of guests again and remembered the thing about the rent. Who knows what really happened.

Mentions: 20-II-1997., 26-XII-1997., 09-VI-1998., 01-VIII-2005., 03-VIII-2005., 08-VIII-2005., 10-IX-2010., 13-XII-2010., 04-IV-2012., 23-IV-2013., 21-VII-2013., panta, in serbian