
Yet another aunt died... tetka Dara, the less mentioned sister of Teja. The funeral was in the village, not the city, and we went there for the first time since, I'd say, 1979. The village still looks the same, more or less, except the cute little church in the middle is replaced with an oversized brick mastodon in the neobyzantine style that the SPC is pushing last few decades. Doesn't look too bad, but it just sticks out. Too big.

Not too many people there, that's what you get when you live that long and outlive your pals, you get to bury them all and then only the young come to bury you. So the usual gang gathered (this is third aunt this year over there, the generation is wearing thin). Jaca was there, with husband - didn't see them for a while.

Amazingly, she died at pretty much the same age as dad - two months before her 87th birthday. The weather was still nice, actually the best we could get, because the vicinity of the hill produces its own wind; we were still waiting out the tenth week of draught and swelter.

Made this beautiful autopatch of the village, as seen from the cemetery.

After the funeral we went off to Žarko and his family, plus another niece of mine who came along, and we had some coffee and mead wine of his (he's really starting a little business with those honey-based alcoholic beverages).

Found a separate the.log somewhere, with only this:

2017/08/28 09:47:54

*Finally had my technical meeting with the guys from Lab, and we agreed on the plan. Since I'm better acquainted with their database than they're with ours, I will do all of it:

- locate mismatched partnerships

- create proper new partnership records

- mark other partnership records for the patients involved (incl. donor) as obsolete/inactive

- locate cycles belonging to the old partnership and update them to belong to the new partnership record.

It may take a few days to write and test. Building fresh test examples to cause the error (running old version) and then seeing that it gets fixed will have to be a manual and time consuming process, but then once it's done it can be applied quickly to all affected clinics. At least that is the plan.

Mentions: Jasmina Sentović (Jaca), Lab Intro, tetka Dara, the.log, Vesela Senić (Teja), Žarko Zarin, in serbian