Teja (Vesela Senić)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

Sister of tetka Dara; my grandma was her auntie. She seems to have spent some time here with mom in the early fifties, when they were in gimnazija - perhaps vacations - there being several pictures of them with local guys here. She was a school teacher (geography, history, dunno) and got a job in a little village on romanian border, where she married another teacher (who then turned out to be related to Žuca - we met at his funeral, to mutual surprise). They had a son but the baby died soon. Then they had a girl Jaca while still there, and then got moved much closer to Novi, where they got a teacher's apartment (actually half of a duplex house, not too big but with a decent sized backyard - she's still there) and then had another daughter. This younger daughter died in 1986, of cancer, just a day or two apart of the Chernobyl meltdown.

Died in summer 2020.

Mentions: april 1961., 12-IV-1970., 20-VI-1971., 03-IV-1972., 25-II-1973., 10-XI-1977., 27-V-1978., 06-III-1979., 17-III-1979., We're married, 29-IV-1986., 02-IV-1991., 28-I-2012., 30-VI-2012., 28-VIII-2017., 13-VII-2020., 07-VI-2021., 10-IX-2022., Desanka (Deska), gimnazija, hats, Jasmina Sentović (Jaca), Novi Sad, tetka Dara, Živana Armatović (Žuca), in serbian