
Twentieth. Neša loves to turn in my chair. All the kids love that.

In Feds, revised the text merge in questionnaires (aka medical records aka progress notes), namely I now allow editing of the previously merged text above the agreed delimiter (a line of dashes), and below that I don't care, next merge replaces anything below the delimiter with newly merged text. This is actually the second method of merging; the old one worked on some other trick which didn't include questions and answers, this one will. Now both methods are available, so whoever manages to wade through the confusion, may each give to him*.

This is not really finished yet, I found a note where I plan the page where a template with placeholders for answers (optionally preceded with questions) will be made. Which means it was not made yet.

In Lab it turned out that something needs to be sent trimmed, i.e. without trailing spaces (which fox uses by default), don't know whether it was the acuID (whatever the ACU may have meant... perhaps related to SKU by madness) or the name. Without trimming it created doubles. Fuckit, for each separate connection between two systems one needs to check the rules of what is equal and what is not, the rules change case to case.

On twentyfirst visited Lena urgently at Prodise, some paperwork for her agency, or something from her accountant. Dunno what, but it was urgent. So I got into the saxo and made a quick round to her workplace, which is the crazy building between the old SIV (former federal government) and the roundabout, the JUBC. When I saw it in 2005 from the airport shuttle bus, the red iron was still lively red. It still looks good. I found her without any problem, even chatted with the outfit's owner... Had a smoke on the terrace, perhaps even had a coffee, hard to remember. Good ambience, compared to this all the places I worked (except perhaps DBA underground) look rather quickly put together and amateurish, including those in the US. Didn't take the shooter, but nokla did it justice. On the parking, grays vs colors, 37:12.


Dad and uncle Staja at lunch. On 19th we ate there, this is a return visit. She really cut herself with food**, this is green real soup, peas, roast drumsticks, potatoes and for salad the sour cabbage. The bottle looks like it contained the 2013.2 apple, for which dad said "don't advertise, this one is for us".

The flatware, forks and spoons, are from the big set we got from tetka Dara at our wedding. The knives, however, are a mix of russian and japanese, both unsatisfactory. The russian ones aren't serrated, and the japanese have a small handle, which may suit a lady's hand, two sizes below normal. At least the serviettes match the new year tablecloth. The shot clearly shows how uncle Staja misses the left ring finger. Which is normal for carpenters, they say. Their maturski starts with finger count.

On twentythird a mouse got caught, on glue, under my desk. Later it will take gasoline to remove the ooze from the tiles, the glue is just a very slow liquid, it manages to flow over the edge before the mouse gets caught. She found somewhere that the cause of death is fear, as the mouse suddenly senses something wrong but feet stuck, can't run, panics and dies of heart attack. We still didn't have the ecological mousetrap, which they'll have few years later in detelina.


More paperwork for Lena - this time, as she gave me the right to sign bank orders (because her accountants are here downtown, the agency is registered here, so at times I need to go downtown and sign here and there, and should have a stamp too). This time it's a scan of my ID, so I took shots of it and emailed her.

David has sent yet another christmas greeting, this time the Firriver logo with red cap on it. The logo is a single white sperm on blue, water-drop-like background. In other years, he sent a line of embroidered deer fucking, wishing us fecundity in the new year (well that's for the new year part).

Twentyfifth is the twentieth anniversary of moving into the house. Nine years of it we lived in it. She baked a bread, with pumpkin seeds on it, excelent as ever. We also got a spruce, the silver one, for Neša. Having watched a lot of Maša and the bear cartoons, of course we didn't call it jelka (spruce) but jolka jolka (in russian, twice, always twice). Decoration was a special pleasure, as they two have made all the ornaments by hand, except the paper dodecahedron on top, which Lena did last summer.

Just when we were about finished with that, Dražen, (Ruška's son) appeared. Wow, the blast from the past. We already forgot about her, and that he was once Go's boyfriend, and there he comes. He leaves quite a confused impression, as if he invested lot of effort to practice normal behavior, still needs reminders here and there, or to comment for himself on what he just did, with a judging eye. C'mon, boy, you're 31. So your father left you, so your mom was a loonie for most of your years, so what? I always thought that with age of 18 you acquire a responsibility for who and what you are, what you do and how you'll turn out. As someone said, we can't blame it on the Turks for another hundred years...


* "she gave me" has only one meaning in serbian.

** "to cut oneself with something" - is our city slang, barely understood by out-of-towners... means, roughly, one is on the roll, doing great at the moment, turns out excellent and aplenty. Initially it was "cut himself with the jokes" - they just keep pouring out, tells one and while everyone's still laughing, remembers the next one, and it's ten in a row, each one better than the one before

Mentions: David Berton, DBA, detelina, Dražen, Feds, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), fox, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Lab Intro, maturski parastos, Nenad Berger (Neša), nokla, Prodise, Ružica Bajin (Ruška), saxo, tetka Dara, uncle Staja, in serbian