
Had to call DMV in Virginia today, trying to renew my driver's license. Talked with the forthcoming lady for quite a while, knew all the data by heart (or from the screen) and in the end just couldn't get it because she was supposed to just give me the PIN so I can do it online - but heck, only every second time it's online, else you have to physically show up. While we do have some plans to show up at some point, having an american driver's license is not going to happen - I'd have to do that before my birthday next year, and we almost certainly won't be going there before that. We may decide to retire partly in Undersville, but then we got Čankovo, so frgedit.

Nina's sister-in-law is stuck for the whole day somewhere in Alaska, waiting for the next plane to New Jersey (so it's still a 300 miles to home once they land) but at least it's a free ride from Japan to Virginia. Using the naval/military/AF transportation.

Meanwhile, at Firriver, Hana was fired (serbian: has drunk the pedal). The whole exercise with the timesheets was, it seems, aimed at checking how much time is she devoting to Firriver and how much to her other job (which was not mentioned previously, but came up now).

About the same time the reshuffling of personnel (Suez now being product manager, Das chief of support) led to some streamlining of the decision process re Jira and sprints, with far fewer restrictions in who can do what. Also, issues promoted into developers’ cases are moved (and then automatically assigned new IDs in the project where they land), without spawning extra clones.

On 25th, Das got his first assistant. Soon he'd get two more, finally becoming a full office.

Mentions: Čankovo, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Hana Burberry, Mohandas Raj (Das), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Suez Lima, Undersville, in serbian