
(Place, tavern, firm, USA)

A village on the outskirts, or rather underskirts nowadays, of the Appalachians, near the NC border. There's a river, and there were four sawmills and furniture plants on it. At the time in 2008 when we bought a (ruin of a) house there, only one factory was still working, at 15% capacity. Otherwise, nice place and we planned to retire there.

Mentions: 31-X-2008., 01-XI-2008., 02-XI-2008., 08-XI-2008., 21-XI-2008., 22-XI-2008., 31-XII-2008., 15-IV-2009., 04-IX-2009., 05-IX-2009., 01-IV-2010., 01-VII-2010., 05-I-2011., 08-I-2011., 20-VI-2018., in serbian