Hana Burberry

(Person, Canada)

A sister-by-aunt to Norman. Never saw her, but know her voice well. Loves birds. Does reports and documentation. Moved from Toronto to Atlanta. At some point it was noticed that she doesn't get much work done, so hours tracking was introduced (which we all suffered). Eventually they asked her whether she has another job, she said yes, and was fired. We still had to fill in timesheets, even though it was empirically proven that Ralph doesn't read them.

Further consequences are that Firriver is switching from a ragtag bunch of telecommuters to a cubicle farm... Ok, make that three cubicle farms: the main one in Toronto, some in north Netherlands, support in India, and Suez, Nick, Jeanie and one more still working from home.

Mentions: 28-IV-2008., 20-V-2008., 10-IX-2008., 26-I-2009., 12-V-2009., 16-V-2009., 02-VI-2009., 30-VI-2010., 01-VII-2010., 06-VII-2010., 21-VII-2010., 09-IX-2011., 21-IX-2011., 07-X-2011., 09-I-2013., 18-VI-2013., 20-VI-2018., 15-XI-2019., ClockWorker, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Jeanie, Nicolas O'Keefe (Nick), Norman Shen, Ralph Rotnik, Suez Lima, in serbian