
Trying to do the new hfea stuff:

• trying to connect from old dev server works but when asking for list of categories, I get "Message":"Authorization has been denied for this request." (as json)

• doing the same from new dev server, I get a full list

• doing the same through swagger (the test website) I get a full list from either server, but then it’s not my server that is sending the request, it’s swagger.

• trying Kees’s HfeaCommunicator on old server, same error. Works when he runs it, says he.

• Trying to try it on the new dev, it’s not there. Trying to ftp it from old support, like I did with hundreds of megabytes last week, can’t do. Getting a "FTP Folder Error: The item could not be transferred. Make sure you have permission to store files here and that the file name is valid. Details: The password was not allowed"

• found the cause for "password not allowed" - it's the SSIS (sql integration) which now seems to control the FTP (yeah right exactly WTF) and it seems to decide that a FTP site may be locked at any time. You need to find some obscure setting somewhere to unlock it.

• now if I want to get a file from ftp to my local windows, I have to turn off the vpn, which kills my RDP connection. Then I have to open that text file where I keep my VPN password because regular VPN client won't work and cisco won't store password.

• It's as if I had to jump through the window and go to main door every time I go to bathroom.Actually no... its the fucked up windows... oops... file explorer which tries to protect you. Just used my good old TotalCmd and FTP just finished in a microjiffy.and the hfea communicator just works on new dev.

• there’s no database on new dev and Jan doesn’t have access to it; there’s one on old dev but it doesn’t work there

• Kees offers ffed_test db on FF-PDEV but that’s portal server, I can't even stink there

• on ff-dev01 I don’t have the rights to log in into the SQL server via SSMS; via Toad I can but I don’t have the rights to create a database.

IOW, the chaos is not complete yet, but it covers most of the areas.

Boba made a little party. He got his master's degree, with a straight 10, and meanwhile he's working as an apprentice at the court - state pays for that, not much at all, but it's work, counts in staž, you gain experience, and start building a network, people hear about you and who knows, you may land a job before these two years are over.

The old salt works building.

The old salt works building.

We managed to catch a bus this time - probably a first in the last five years. Of course, we arrived before time, at 18:20, and at 18:33 we saw the bus go to the last stop. And then... one appeared just when I suggested we should go catch a dog (The joke goes: two fleas after a theatre show, one says "walk or catch a dog?"). Made a few shots along the way, didn't do this for five years now.

Family only, including Višnja and her clod of a son, who still either get invited or invite themselves. Milena came later, dead tired after being 36 hours on foot - after a night shift she went with Boba to Novi Sad to watch his defense of master work, then had perhaps two hours of sleep. She may have made a fortune shooting ads for pillows.

Silvija is behaving like a cancer patient - shaved the remainders of her hair, wears some kind of skullcap, has good appetite but looks as thin as ever, except the swollen belly, from eating much and fast. In good mood. Kids were great, I think Jagoda likes us, and Milan is getting to.

Main street on left, city hall on right.

Main street on left, city hall on right.

We sat until midnight, talking and drinking, and then didn't take the cab. Treated ourselves with a night walk through the streets where we used to walk 40-45 years ago, on her side of downtown. Then sat on a bench at the city square and had a smoke, made a few shots, hit the serekeš, and finally decided to take a cab from the other square. Guess what, the cabbie was Grne. He's retired but drives just to see people, his street (not far from Arpi's) is just a backwater as our is. He was just happy to see us.

Mentions: Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), Dobrivoj Gunaroši (Boba), Grne, HFEA, Jagoda Umljanić, Jan Brenkelen, Kees de Cock, Milan Umljanić, Milena Požarić, serekeš, Silvija Umljanić, staž, TotalCmd, Višnja, in serbian