
(Place, tavern, firm, USA)

A teaching hospital in Texas, Zero's customer. I went there twice, once in november 1999, once in october 2002, to fix things with Hossy. (... 14 words...) The THC was in the same street.

Mentions: 16-XI-1999., 09-XII-1999., 20-XII-1999., 25-XII-1999., 20-XI-2000., 07-IV-2001., 31-V-2001., 28-VII-2001., 09-IX-2001., 12-IX-2001., 15-IX-2001., 18-XII-2001., 12-I-2002., 13-X-2002., Hossy, Leanne Harper, THC, Zero Distance (Zero), in serbian