
Joja leaves USquad because Brlja was paying him only 200$ a month, previously 250$. He's found a greener pasture.

He's returning the hardware (almost a complete PC) and Bata will be jumping in his seat. Sends greetings to Zero, „I've never forgotten your concern about all of us during bombing here, and, as I said, I appreciate the money you've send to us as significant aid to make living here more tolerable.“ etc etc.

Ford sent me a recap of what we discussed on 16th. For whichever reason, the only person CC'd on this was Janna... partly praising me partly chiding, as „ The current situation is a crisis, and additional work on your part will be needed in order to make sure your technical assessments and the quality of the code delivered is improved is crucial.“ (yup, the sentence limps). So I guess this is just to stave off any mention of a raise, hence a copy to Janna. The „quality of code needs to be improved“ - sure, you saddle me with tons of code written in the ugly vpm, by half-taught guys whom you mentored, things which never worked, and now it's up on me to deliver them all in high figh...

At Leevor, there's a suspicious looking file „...\Hossy\EONS\data\e0037503.814 and other similar directories there. It's either some data file, or who knows what. We may look at it in hex, or just try to strip the 7th bit (it's set all over the file), just to see what it contains, but I think it may be a waste of time.“. Meanwhile, Željko finished some important report for them, and Clara was happy with it.

The next day Janna published some kind of staff directory in Outlook's public directory*,

This company-wide folder has been established to have a common calendar and list of contacts for all employees to view. The information is not yet complete, however when I input all the data it will show all employee vacations, birthdays, holidays, anniversary dates, client contact information, etc.

You may add to your calendar/contacts as you wish, however only items that I add will be seen by everyone. If you have any particular items you would like to see added, email your requests to me and I will consider them.

Please send me an email giving me your birthday (month and day are fine) so that I may add this to the calendar. If you do not mind having your home phone number, address, mobile phone or other contact info listed in the employee contacts section, please email me with your approval to add that as well.

The home page of this folder lists a section for Top News. If you have any announcements or things everyone might benefit from knowing, let me know and I can add this as well. I will also be including news that employees may want to be aware of. For example if Ellie Duncan (insurance) will be in the office I will post a note in case anyone needs to speak with her while she is here. Please try to make a point to check this folder at least once a day.

If you should run into any problems getting into the folder or accessing the information, please let me know and I will be glad to help you.

Yeah, right, will check it once a day. I think the whole thing fell into oblivion within a week. Such things never work. I've seen such attempts, and will keep seeing them, and their maintenance and use waned with equal speed each time.

At home, no photos between 3rd and 23rd of november, I guess Go had the Agfa for that time being (other time beings were cut short).


* it officially said „public folder“ but then this PoS is by m$, so directory it is

Mentions: Agfa, Allan Robin (Ford), Clara Milovan, EONS, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Goran Staković (Brlja), Hossy, Janna Robinsen, Leevor, Majkrosoft (m$), Stanimir Kršić (Bata), USquad, Voja (Joja), VPM, Zero Distance (Zero), Željko Popov, in serbian