28-VII-2019.: Unofficially retired

On sunday it rained. We just let the girls go at it in the yard - the little ducks just love the water and, it being quite warm, didn't get cold at all. All three were quite wet, and happy.

In the evening I just connected the dots, and decided to quit Firriver. Sent my final invoice to David,

This is the last. I've deducted the three days. I don't mind if it doesn't get paid.

It was nice while it lasted. For most of the years, it's been a genuine pleasure. But I was always the guy who'd leave the party before anyone pukes.


Spent all evening putting things in order. Erased all the files where I had saved passwords, uninstalled everything I installed for the job, and finally filed the last invoice, three days shorter. Quit skype. Closed all work related tabs in the browser. The email was already disconnected, not of my own free will.

Whole burundi congratulated me later.

Mentions: 02-X-2019., burundi, Čankovo, David Berton, Dragan Umljanić, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Prleski, Ryu (Raja), Silvija Umljanić, Violet, in serbian