
(Place, tavern, firm, Yugoslavia)

The old cakeshop downtown, which operated in the same place for at least 70 years, perhaps maybe more. The furniture that I remember, with small hardwood tables with marble tops, lasted deep into this century. The 2nd owner then moved to somewhere halfway to Lesnina and the current owner renovated the place twice since then - first the overall look of the place, and then moved the cooler vitrine to the same side where the workshop is, so the eternal zig-zag layout is now shotgun style - the entrance is now on the left.

There's a slightly newer cakeshop next to it, where I think I never went. There was a hats store between them, but with the overall destruction of industry here, it closed and this other cakeshop expanded into the space.

Mentions: june 1965., november 1970., until 18th, 08-III-1972., 29-IX-1972., 29-I-1973., 25-II-1973., 04-VII-1973., Hat club rides again, 16-X-1973., 26-XII-1973., 22-XII-2010., 21-VII-2011., 26-II-2012., 24-I-2013., 28-VIII-2013., 16-IV-2014., He came, 05-XII-2016., 25-III-2019., 26-VII-2019., 28-VII-2019., Unofficially retired, 22-VIII-2019., and the next two days, 10-IX-2019., 25-XI-2019., 13-II-2020., Second twirthday, 23-III-2020., 15-V-2020., 22-V-2020., 12-VIII-2020., 20-X-2020., 13-II-2021., Tworthday, 20-VI-2021., 26-VII-2021., 18-VIII-2021., 15-X-2021., 23-X-2021., 04-XI-2021., 27-I-2022., 13-II-2022., 25-III-2022., 29-V-2022., 10-VI-2022., 24-X-2022., 22-III-2023., hats, Lesnina, in serbian