Aleksa Pajkov

(Person, Yugoslavia)

Our first neighbor whom we rarely see. It's either us who are abroad, or later he - first had some business in Austria, then got run out of there, then stayed at home for a while, then switched to Germany. He's got a twin brother in the next street, same off-white sillicate brick façade and bare, badly connected blocks on the side. Been in the same unit while in army reserve, he tried to sell jeans to the captain. He was a medic there and his brother was a cook in another unit - so I met him and got quite confused.

His son and grandsons are very fat, and after the austrian stint he also got rather fat. He's somehow related to Juliška, cousins or so.

Mentions: 05-XI-1983., 07-XI-1984., march 1985., december 1991., 18-IX-2003., Isabel hurricane, 17-IV-2013., 05-VII-2014., 18-III-2021., 27-XII-2021., 25-II-2022., 05-V-2022., 08-XII-2022., 02-II-2023., 06-III-2023., 17-III-2023., 21-V-2023., 07-VI-2023., Juliška, Radoslav Pajkov, in serbian