
The Ukraine war began yesterday, burundi is abuzz. Went on rewatching the Twin Peaks, parts 5 to 11 of third season. This time well prepared, from both wikipediae (the official and the fan one), so I kept reading them a bit in advance, some interspersed, to catch who what where, and to recover the bits of dialogue that I didn't hear well. Doesn't look so mysterious now but still is magnificent. What this madman did with image, with actors, with... Even if I had his detailed script he shoots from, where they say he does write everything, I still couldn't have imagined it like this. One of the few cases where the picture is richer than text.

Here, exactly the scene from the RR diner, on cimet. In the background is the little greenhouse where she grows saplings. We added more light later.

I've cut down that elm behind the fence to Aleksa. I had cut it once, saw under the chainlink fence, when it was thumb thick. Now it's a 2-3m tree, about 10cm thick at ground level, so it gave me some trouble. Took whole hour, with two cigarette breaks and one pee, but I felled it. Between that and Juliška's corner some wild blackberry grows, no fruit, just thorns. I weeded it out on our side, and I trim where it grows through the fence, but this year I'm thinking of taking some measures, perhaps likewise extending a saw under the fence. Though, I could bring a trimmer from the garden and just mow it, Juliška would be glad, but that's not to my liking now, we're stubbornly ignoring each other.

Raja learned the single hand clap. Nina sent him to brag to me. I said „you're truly my grandson, it can be seen! Bravo, majstor!“. The clap is not too audible, though, but some sound is there. Still can't do sideways, when the fingers gain more momentum from the turn (because of bigger speed), but there's time for that. As a reward, I took him out to the yard to teach him to play marbles. It was a bit chilly, but this is already half spring - the apricots are close to blossom, the clematises are sprouting, aven the tulips (nope, narcises) are some 10-15 cm above ground and the bulbs are showing.

No apricots this year.

On 27th the girls insisted of getting barbies. Did so for a few days already, and now that we've seen that they mean it, okay. First checked Roda out, but what they had was some smallish box with quite a price on it, and it didn't clearly say on the box what's exactly inside. The barbie was always a bait, there's at least two things on each box which aren't inside, but are add-ons for which you should fork out more cash later. Well fuck that, let's go to Lidl. I stayed outside for a smoke, even had to pull on the hood, must be the whole third time I had reason to, the last two or three winters since I got this jacket. Baba bought them two barbies with houses, quite well designed, it opens and takes about half a table and isn't quite a house, more of a back wall for a stage, with hundred hooks, latches and hinges and things which open. It cost a bundle, 6000 each, but okay, we didn't get them anything for their birthday. And they did play with them a lot, the following weeks. And it seems to be the first set of anything where they didn't start losing parts right away.

On twentyeighth (or twentyayth, if I'd emulate the serbian original) there was some snow, but nothing much - large, thick, didn't last an hour in the air and even less on soil. In the evening we held the 69th frendz parti, with an absolute surprise: pihtije. She made them three days ahead, thick and firm as she always does. For drinks we had quince, the half liter which remained from the tworthday, and what we poured when Vera with her daughter came by. The twins, BTW, adore her daughter, they always cry when they part.

And then the weather got worse. No snow worth mentioning, but we also didn't feel like going out. Everyone a bit edgy, we all wait for spring and it keeps getting delayed. Took no pictures for three days, just sat and wrote here. At least two evenings we would drink two or three before sleep.

The pihtije we finished eating on thursday. Not that we ate them for six days, we skipped a day. I skipped one, that is - my ladies don't dine, so they skipped more.

Mentions: Aleksa Pajkov, burundi, cimet, frendz parti, Juliška, majstor, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), pihtije, Ryu (Raja), Vera Vraneš, in serbian