
After five days of beautiful and clear sky, chemtrail shit, albeit mild, reappeared.

she sent this

she sent this

She's at Čankovo since the morning, just like yesterday and the rest of the week (or at least that's the plan). She cooked the beans with smoked rib tips and then took off on her bike.

I went to dad to take some beans to him. Arranged with Vanji to visit us tonight and bring the vine cuttings so we'd have something along the driveway (on which we don't actually drive - the garage is not a garage, and we don't plan it to become one, unless we start keeping bicycles in it).

G. from nursing home called yesterday to get yet another advance payment (they get them at least ten months a year), but since I was alone, she didn't think I'd approve or give her the money - and I didn't move a finger to convince her otherwise. She didn't call today, but some telemarketer from somewhere south called, for some "4 line" (in engrbian) company, and I responded (in english) "what was the name of the company again?", and she disconnected on the spot.

In the evening, as dad arranged, I called Vanji about those vine cuttings. Turned out we should meet at dad's, because the cuttings he prepared didn't survive. So we gathered at his place, and he cut some from the two houslets from the frame next to the garage wall where the big old cherry used to be. Then we drove to our place, stopping along the way to get some dvotaktol (two-tact-oil, for his 2-cycle drill). Then we did everything in less than an hour. In about three years, we may have some shade and grapes above the gate and driveway. Shade wasn't really a problem, the whole driveway is hidden by Aleksa's house from 11:00 on.

Mentions: Aleksa Pajkov, Čankovo, engrbian, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian