
There was some kind of snafu with the current conversion of data for whichever clinic was on the menu these months, probably one of those belgian wisecrappers. IIRC, I forgot to check for one condition before running it (was it "you should zap the personnel table" or something else about it). So Jan said (in a public chat) that we should have a checklist of things to watch for during conversions. I said I "added that to existing conversion rules at [link to article on the current wiki]".

I wrote that as early as 6th of july, after talking with Briyesh that we may need it. That is, I wrote it a few years before, as my own checklist, and put it on the wiki then. And sent Jan the link, so he'd know. Today I just added a couple of things to the list of possible errors, things to watch for, informed by a recent conversion (must have been some Belgians again). Too bad that Skype forgets anything older than a month, I'd have proof that I sent the link.

Then a few minutes later (too bad the times don't show on the screenshot) Briyesh comes up with "Agreed 100%. If people want to send me a list of checklist items, I will assemble one as a draft. Via email".

Wow... is there anything that he didn't fuck up here? If he gets a list (a complete one) from people (me, who else does conversions in Firriver), he'll assemble it (wow... not just shuffle, rearrange and format, but assemble!). And ah, not quite formatted, though, a draft. Just after he was given a link to an official document which I was writing and amending for at least a year already. Which he didn't even look at, and didn't see how neatly composed, well organized and elegantly formatted it was.

Well, fuckit. And now they both pretend they never saw it.

Mentions: 06-VIII-2023., Briyesh Dupta, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Jan Brenkelen, in serbian