Briyesh Dupta

(Person, Canada)

Should be 2-3 years younger than me. Appeared in Firriver around the beginning of 2017, just when Ralph also moved from being a part-time accountant into working fulltime. According to his Linkedin profile, a jack of all trades, fog seller, but a good and successful one. Maybe he'll push up the sales of Feds faster.

Kees told me, post festum, that he was a member of some hindu chat group somewhere along with Das's father, and didn't know it until he joined Firriver.

Mentions: 05-VII-2017., 15-IX-2017., 19-I-2018., 05-II-2018., 19-II-2018., 21-III-2018., 27-III-2018., 28-V-2018., 03-VIII-2018., 18-II-2019., 21-III-2019., 22-III-2019., 25-III-2019., 11-IV-2019., 19-VII-2019., Pizza with Ċ tajger, 22-VII-2019., 23-VII-2019., ClockWorker, David Berton, Feds, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Kees de Cock, Mohandas Raj (Das), Operation Zone53, Ralph Rotnik, in serbian