
Got two new workers on the Operation team – one indian and one chinese Torontian. The team uses Zoho and m$ Teams for tracking and timesheets, Github for source control… all contrary to what was in use for the rest of the team. Our dozens of hours (aka hundreds of man-hours) spent on setting the protocol and then honing them were in vain. Also, in Teams they spread the knowledge on need-to-know basis, and most of us, it seems, don’t need to know.

On ninth, at 17:00 blunt, logoff work, scram to Čankovo. Two stills of apricot in success and succession, until midnight. Smells liks crazy, had panackes on my mind all the time.

Until its turn comes, the status of the 2017 vintage remains unchanged - it doesn't leave the house, except within organism.

Speaking of smells during work... around the middle of the right side, where the low cherries are, we put up some oregano. It spread nicely, and while some grow it in flowerpots, I can mow it with švorceniger... but I rather don't, it's a mellow plant, doesn't grow tall, doesn't impede walking, so I mow around it. Motherworth, on the other hand, which we also brought as seed, grows finger thick and meter and a half tall, into a rather thick forest, that's a chore to mow. Anyway, it happened many times that I was picking cherries and thinking of pizza all the time. Because I walk on oregano then.

Mentions: Čankovo, Majkrosoft (m$), Operation Zone53, švorceniger, in serbian