Operation Zone53

(App, Canada)

The portal 2.0, secret project of Ralph, Briyesh and the project master Jevgenij, of which the rest of Firriver heard when it was well on its way. They promised to repeat what Kees did with 1.5 (which was announced dead once this was announced alive) in two months. Two weeks before the deadline they (Jevgenij and Grbo) finally started asking questions about primary keys, relationships, lookups and db stuff in general. Then in those two weeks they just took most of Kees's code and incorporated it.

We never saw the source, because it was on the need to know basis, and we didn't need to know.

Mentions: 16-IV-2019., 17-IV-2019., 22-IV-2019., 03-VII-2019., Briyesh Dupta, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Jevgenij Nosorowetz, Kees de Cock, Prasad Gorbeau (Grbo), Ralph Rotnik, in serbian