
Yesterday no calls, today Jan is packing to go to vacation... and in the evening another chat from Jevgenij. Just remembered: the most annoying thing when talking to him is that he's not really listening, he just keeps talking over you, and when he seems to have finished and gave you the floor, after your second word he starts talking again. I'm actually amazed that I managed to tell the story about Fox's memory management the other day.

Jevgenij, 17.43 - hi, how are you? I hope I'm not interrupting your dinner again:)
just wondering how the import /export refactoring going...

me 17.54 - got the mechanism working and tested a few times, with document files over 400M - works. Exporting from Feds, works. Now the trouble is in how Walter bound import to the form. Perhaps if I omitted the old format altogether…
Because I'm trying to keep it capable of accepting old imports. But they could use some older version for that, eh?

Jevgenij, 18.01 - Fantastic, I'd say it would be great to have it backward compatible but it's nice to have at this point.
They will be happy to have it working on new import export files
We can offer them this enhancement afterwards
So, when you are planning to build it and hand it over to testing?

Me 18.04 - No time... just make it work. Which should happen in the next few hours. Just need to concentrate...

Jevgenij, 18.05 - wow!!!
who would be the best to test it?

Me 19.49 - Das is already on it

I did finish it one hour later. Completely exhausted.

Jevgenij’s seemingly gentle nudging didn’t pass unnoticed. He’s giving an impression that he wants to suck up to Jaz over my back. Which is fine, since he can pull it as many times as he wants, it works only once. And that one time was just consumed.

I really wonder when was the switch from our old flat organization to hierarchy performed, and if so

- why weren’t the new rules of organization ever published for everyone to learn by heart?

- if there’s a hierarchy, what’s the clear chain of command? Who the fuck is my boss this week?

Anyway, that was around 19:00. Around 20:30 I had a working solution, combed into Jan's convoluted building of objects (there were three levels of them for import and four for export, and at least three of them were called oExport... so try to not get confused as much as I wanted, I raised my hands in frustration and went out for a smoke at least six times during the day).

But in the end I had it done, tested with a few huge (200m) videos I had lying around, it just worked. I switched databases several times and exported the patients with huge files, switched again and imported, it all worked. Wrote down what I did. Only forgot to copy the solution into Feds7.0.0, but there's always time for that.

Mentions: Feds, Jan Brenkelen, Jevgenij Nosorowetz, Mohandas Raj (Das), in serbian