Jevgenij Nosorowetz

(Person, Canada)

Allegedly a Russian, but then his LinkedIn profile states he did several jobs in Israel, including for IDF. I'm not sure they let foreigners do it. Another symptom is that whenever I spoke russian to him, he'd understand perfectly, then quickly switch to his accented english.

Perfect slave-runner - always trying to be polite, quick to pull up a soothing phrase or some expression of goodwill, and then keeps on pressing with his stuff on and on, full of buzzwords a la mode, stressing the importance or urgency of this or that, which needs to be done. Urgency is not his, of course, it's someone else who needs to do it urgently; likewise the importance is something to press on others who obviously didn't take it seriously enough.

His favorite technique is to make a pause as if he said what he had, then when you start talking, somewhere around your third word, he begins again, as if you said nothing. Can't quite say it's because of skype's delay, this is longer than that.

He allegedly wrote portal 2.0 for Feds and then passed it on for maintenance. 1) can't be right, he took large swaths of code from the existing version; 2) wtf maintenance when it wasn't even tested anywhere. The word should be "passed on so someone else would make it work".

Mentions: 03-VIII-2018., 18-II-2019., 22-II-2019., 21-III-2019., 22-III-2019., 25-III-2019., 11-IV-2019., 22-IV-2019., 03-V-2019., The talk which never happened, 29-V-2019., 22-VII-2019., 23-VII-2019., 25-VII-2019., 17-IX-2019., Brandy course, 15-X-2019., 07-VI-2021., Feds, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Operation Zone53, Prasad Gorbeau (Grbo), Suez Lima, in serbian