
(Machine, Yugoslavia)

Actually made in Italy, the Fiat Regatta. Abbreviated to fregata (frigate) for office use. It was the office car in Avai 1997 to 1999, when the guy who sold it to us (Vanji's neighbor and a car dealer/repair shop) couldn't fix the electronics anymore. Then we switched to a lada, just swapped the cars a couple of times and then eventually stayed with the russian box.

It was actually a nice car for the time, ran fine, wasn't too stiff to maneuver, had good sound and heating (no AC, though - nobody had AC then).

Mentions: 18-X-1997., 13-XII-1997., 03-XII-1998., 05-XII-1998., 30-XII-1998., 03-I-1999., 08-I-1999., 29-III-1999., 23-VIII-1999., 03-IX-1999., Avai, lada, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian

14-XI-2019 - 10-IX-2023