
Probable date of yet another maturski of IV5pp. This time much closer to home, so I actually could walk it, it's less than 3km, in Točak (wheel), named so because across the street there was an automarket, where on weekends you'd just park your car there and it was on sale. Don't know whether they charged anything, it was city land. By nature of things, all the sales contracts were written in the nearest tavern, always were, and this was it.

In the evening it was just a regular tavern, nothing special, not too bad and the food wasn't much but nothing to complain about. Don't remember what I drank, probably beer. I remember that we had some of the girls there - Dragana and Tejka for sure, probably Mima and Jasmina, perhaps one of Savka and Milica (maybe both, maybe none), Baki, Bajče, maybe Čombe, Staša, Bajlo and probably Mandža. Not sure about the others.

There was just one memorable moment, when the girls split around 23 and we stayed for one more drink. At some point Bajlo goes at Staša: „Know what, I appreciate you above all the guys I know. You are the only Herzegovinian with a diploma out there who is not a director of anything“.

The weather was just as shitty when one s.k.s.t from sezam tried to set us a gig for some branch of PKB*. He arranged everything and told us where and when to come, i.e. to first come and pick him up, he lived nearby in Padinska Skela. We shoved a machine into fregata's trunk and drove there, picked him up and drove together to the place, which is a dozen hangars lined up from the main road into the fields, with huge paved space arround. We took out the machine, set it up in their office and spouted out our complete show, as we can do this and we can do that, our GenerAll gives us the ability to adjust the application to most anything you may come up with... I saw that the bosses present, specially accountants, liked what they saw and rooted for us, they'd strongly prefer to work with this and not with what they saw their colleagues in other branches of PKB using. But nope, no can do, doesn't matter that we got straight A with flying colors for the presentation, that means nothing, they don't have a say in acquisitions but the higher ups do, and up there there's room for some others, not us.

Around this time it happened one day that I needed the trabant for work - was scheduled to go somewhere and so did Brlja, and the fregata was in the dick, so. We two got into it, and drove up to the city hall, and I started looking for a good place to drop her off. And there it was, a largish black car parked smack in the middle of the sidewalk by the main entrance. Some politician exercises his alleged rights. There's a regular parking 50m below, he could even park in the city hall's yard, but no, he must take exactly that place, up everyone's dick, many pedestrians negotiating their routes around him. So there, methinks, if you can, so can I. I parked right behind her, with just two wheels on the sidewalk, she left, I waited until she got through the door, and then started revving the engine for a while, then finally released the clutch slowly, with pedal still at high revs. I created quite a cloud of bluish smoke. Because it was you, mister comrades, who provided this standard of living for us.

Mentions: Branislav Bačikin (Bajče), Branislav Rade (Baki), Dragana Vitas (Dragana), fregata, GenerAll, Goran Staković (Brlja), IV5pp, Jasmina Vlajin, Joško Čobzanin (Čombe), maturski parastos, Merima Tabarski (Mima), Milica Erceški, Nenad Bajlo (Bajlo), Savka Čajkanić, sezam, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Slavoljub Mandić (Mandža), Stanoje Serdarević (Staša), trabant, in serbian