
Verified the first semester and enrolled into 2nd. I don't know why I thought this was supposed to be done earlier, as the semester actually started on 15th (or whichever was monday).

Vanji was not my roommate anymore, he broke ties with his father over who knows what matter of what principle, so he went to live with some other guys from IV6.73, in some very old house's adapted shed, as cheap as possible. My landlord didn't seem to mind that their rental income was halved now, they sort of liked me better without him. They mentioned that he kind of wants a woman too much, can't live without it it seems. Well well, not that I was much different, it's just that I took care to never get caught wet handed.

Well, the better. Their son still shared the room with me. He was sleeping on the couch, and Vanji's bed remained empty for the whole semester.

Among the photos of this month there is one evening series, shot in the basement where she was roommates with Đenđi, with three other girls from other rooms. We played cards, this must have been canasta as no other games requires holding fourteen cards in hand, drank Cezar (Caesar) vinjak. There are also the kids from the house, Đenđi is some aunt to them. My dear had knit sweaters for them later (next winter?) and even tried them herself. Must have been this winter, because I remember recording exactly this „and I tried them“ on tape, which means I had brought the tape recorder from DC-99, because I was putting together the sound for „Busodrom“. I made the recording one sunday afternoon, when she'd come to me and we'd sit all afternoon with my folks, before catching a bus or train to Novi.

On one of the shot there she is, gutting a fish above the kitchen sink, so a čorba was cooked too... On the same shot, there's a glass džezva on the gas rešo, so coffee was also made to sip while we wait.

On a separate shots there are the two roommates, standing on the rear platform of a city bus, a Radojka-and-Tine articulated one, with three axles, somewhere on Futoška street, in available light, lens fully open, exposure 1/15, bus in full speed. Of course, I held to the center pole on the platform, legs well spread, barely breathed. Turned out completely sharp. That shot I count as my photographic feat of the month.

Mentions: čorba, DC-99, Đenđi Ujlaki, IV6.73, Novi Sad, rešo, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), vinjak, in serbian