
This week we had mostly nice weather, so we took the girls out at least twice - to Roda, or the Partizan playground nearby. majstor Mile actually lives in one part of their main buildings - met him once, his wife twice. She won't come close, feels a bit sick and doesn't want to risk to infect the girls. Everyone's scared of the corona virus, though we think it's mostly hype.

On wednesday, however, there was a strong northern wind. A waiter's plate, which we used for cat food but left in the yard to clean up by weather (got another one on the terrace, and now for only four cats that one is enough), somehow vanished over the fence, Don't see it anywhere, even in Juliška's yard. We didn't see any other damage around the house, but she told me to just check on Čankovo to see if everything's fine there. The neighbor across called majstor Mile (they're from the same city in the south) to tell me that my gate was open. Well it gets open on any stronger wind, no big deal.

Well it was and it wasn't. The gate was open, but the shank (which has to be pushed through two tubes to hold it shut) was gone. It usually gets pulled out just enough to let it open. Couldn't find it, so I took the pliers and some old 3mm wire, thread it three times through the pipes and started thinking of a better way.

The destilery was wide open. Nothing gone, though - the švorceniger and the new swedish mower were in place. But the chain that held the door was broken. I found one link dangling on the lock. Then when I wanted to lock it again, noticed that the left ring, which I improvised two years ago from 6mm (or rather 4mm) iron was... also mostly gone. How was the chain still dangling on it is beyond me.

And the lock carved a trail in the wood...

And the lock carved a trail in the wood...

A couple of salonit boards from the garage roof just broke and fell in, and the door was open - but then we don't use that garage at all, and I'm seriously thinking of tearing it down at some point.

The only other damage was the foil we laid on the left four rows of garden - it got raised and crumpled at the middle of it, the other half lying as it were. I just stretched it. Wasn't torn, and we'll just have to stretch it again and dig the edges deeper - just get out a shovel of soil and lay it over the foil.

Amazingly, very little damage. And the new fence is undisturbed. The old kotarka (corn dryer, a kind of shed with slats for side walls), which I'm waiting for to finally fall, hasn't moved a millimeter.

In the evening, Borko and Dragana came to another frendz parti (fourth). The soup of the day was šljivovica (plum brandy), which went swimmingly - we left perhaps 0,2l in the bottle. I went to that place where Kees slept last fall, to get 2kg of lamb roast. Tried it then and liked it, they do it just right. So roast lamb was the dish.

The children were their best charming selves, amazingly quiet. Payback later...

And the tires for the bikes. It'll take me two more weeks to finish replacing them.

And the tires for the bikes. It'll take me two more weeks to finish replacing them.

The pictures were kind of experimental, I tried the remote but didn't aim the flash's sensor to us, aimed it at the ceiling. It measured against the ceiling, of course, and I got in trouble later, trying to replenish 4 stops from all that extra info that's in the raw format. It mostly worked, not quite to my satisfaction, eos70 has some algae-greenish hue in the darkest places, and now it was such places all over. Well, will redo.

The reason the flash wasn't aimed at the scene is that there was no room on the shelf above my desk to put it upright. The shelf is now chock full of stuff we dare not keep in or on my desk anymore - the two shallow drawers are now nearly empty, as the twins have full access to it. The lower drawer is too heavy, it holds at least four old disks, bunch of various cables, chargers, mice etc. I have to pull it with a swing, or apply lots of force to open it. Also, the parts of the desk they can reach contain only the stuff they are allowed to touch - land phone, cigarette case and anything I intentionally leave there. The battery charger, microfiber cloth for the lenses (mostly spectacles), the memory card reader, spare battery for eos70, the new old nokla C7, spare tip for the cimet's pen, nokla's charger, sticker scraper and a very little less lie in a heap below the left monitor.

Mentions: 04-VII-2020., cimet, Čankovo, Dragana Vitas (Dragana), eos70, frendz parti, Juliška, Kees de Cock, majstor Mile, Mališa Borkovski (Borko), nokla, švorceniger, in serbian