
I sure got up on time, gathered what was my share of provisions and started working on dad for a votka, got wine. Then went to her. She pulled on her brother's jeans, her old laced boots with airconditioning in left sole, the burgundy jacket and a bandanna. Also brought some fishing gear that Vanji forgot to take yesterday. Then went to him, and he didn't forget, he has his own, stuffed that into the car, then waited while he dug out some earthworms and green onions. Then went to E. She packed a liter of black [wine], and added a bit more for the salad. Then to my place. Dad was already ready to drive us. Downtown hopped out to get cigs (... 2 words...), salt we had, pepper I picked during this second visit home (forgot first time) and we just missed bread so we went to Vanji's again and he also remembered to bring pepper. Wanted to drop by at Kid's, though he canceled at the last minute, just to ask him if he's got any pepper. Well we already had too much and I also had the tiny bottle of maggi, leftover from last summer.

You have one chance to guess why we had the tent.

You have one chance to guess why we had the tent.

We reached the river in good shape, the road through the jungle was under water in a few places but we just went over it, to a little clearing from which we had to go on foot. Vanji and I went scouting ahead, saw that idiot Pera from šećerana, then found Vanji's place from last year was taken, found next good one a little ahead, through nettle and ferns. Good for the tent, good to fish, just the bank is a bit soft. We memorized the location, then came back to the car, set the time with dad to pick us at 19:00, then took all the stuff and went straight there. We were to put up the tent, they to catch lunch. Of course (... 7 words...), then I shaped some branch into some sort of scythe, and beat down the nettle and wild vines, then we raised the tent on those 4-5 square meters. The soil was too loose, the spikes went in too easily. (... 20 words...)

By the looks of it, we brought food from home, didn't bother with fire.

By the looks of it, we brought food from home, didn't bother with fire.

The two on the bank already poked the rods into the clay. We'll start the fire while they fish. Found a clear place with no branches overhead, don't want to start a forest fire, then cleared the soil around, found enough dry fuel, and by the time they came the fire was aflame. Then they cut the meat. Opening the white wine didn't quite work at first, we didn't have any corkscrew, so half of it popped out, half in, and he tried to fish it out with a loop of fishing line, which didn't work. We drank the last of it through our teeth.

The total hunt wasn't more than few small ones. Threw them back.

The total hunt wasn't more than few small ones. Threw them back.

Then we took a shift on the bank. Two tiny fish were caught, not larger than 12cm, perhaps usable as bait. We sat there for a while and went up. It got cloudy by then. The two put the meat on sticks and roasted it over the coals (žar, that is, there's no coal here, just wood, sorry about your language), turned out right. (... 34 words...) We had to disassemble the fishing reel twice, the line was getting stuck. Fish wasn't working either. She got stuck in the mud, so I had to drag out first her, then her boots, then the stool. Luckily my soles were wider.

(... 9 words...) Sat her by the fire, but the light drizzle already killed it. (... 12 words...) the two were already wet as the rain progressed. When it stopped, we had no more food, except cans but no opener, classic. No fire either, everything got soaked. It was near the time to go, so we just packed and left. The puddles on the path were bigger now, so we were rather muddy by the time we met dad. He had to wait only three minutes. Went to Vanji first to unload the gear, then to her for a change of clothes, and Vanji consulted her dad about some fishing stuff, then to E. to stretch the tent in an unused room upstairs, to dry. There we thanked dad for cooperation, we decided to stay together, we feel so good together, we'll walk from here. Stayed at E.'s for dinner, one more liter of wine, and even votka appeared from somewhere. We split around 23:00.

The photos attached were shot on some piece of Ilford film I had at hand, I misestimated when I rolled the 17m into cassettes, so this one is only five shots long.

(initially I remembered this as riding bicycles, which actually did happen a few years later, when the two of us went alone)

On 2nd of may we met downtown, Vanji and Kid were there. We seriously mocked the later ("ate him live") for being the initiator and the organizer and eventually staying out. He said it was nice on the couch too. Went to Proleter then, where Gavra offered the crate key. Now he has it, not when we really needed it. Headed for the park, on the corner met N.L. (the fat biker from IV6.73, see 16-VI-1973.), who now finally said "I've had enough of learning, now I'll start having good time", and Š. from DC-99 (see 13-I-1974.). Didn't stay long with them. (... 11 word...)

On third went to her, she sewn me a hat from those old jeans of mine. (... 10 words...)

On saturday... no idea what and where, the notes were written much later, I only know her mood got better. Dad didn't like the hat, pestered me some, wouldn't get off my case. We were supposed to see "Gorski vijenac" in the theatre, but it sold out. Phenomenal clouds. Went to disco or movie instead.

On sunday she came, escorted her to the bus.

Mentions: 16-VI-1973., Kragujevac, 13-I-1974., Korni grupa only tonight, DC-99, Gavrilo Taroški (Gavra), IV6.73, šećerana, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), Zoltan Kadar (Kid), in serbian