Kid (Zoltan Kadar)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

Classmate of Eči, Vanji, from IV6.73. Went to study pharmacy, but always wanted to be a doctor, so passed only the exams they had in common at his first year, then managed to switch to medicine. Bought my old soviet sound system, then went with Branka after we split, and later was interested into getting the old škodilak from my dad, which is where the hand-me-down line ended.

Lost sights of him for a while, then heard he got divorced and married that young doctor from hospital gate (i.e. triage). She went on to become a dermatologist, while he became an anesthesiologist. Which is about the time he started derailing - he'd get drunk and go home to the wrong house. Divorced again and remarried the first wife, found religion... serb orthodox. Changed his name, actually kind of translated it by sound - from Zoltan to Zoran - and dad saw him frequently in the chapel at the city cemetery.

Funny how many stories I heard about him, while not having seen him since, maybe, early eighties. Until dad died and I visited a stonecutter - and one of the guys from IV6.73 lives in the same yard, has a print shop and guess what, there he was, just having arranged for some brochure (for the church, of course) to be printed. And he didn't look any smarter than before. Just slightly more confused.

- ...what do I know... maybe on twentyfifth?

- sold.

Mentions: 25-II-1973., 01-IV-1973., Work action in Naftagas, 16-IV-1973., 20-V-1973., 05-VI-1973., 19-VIII-1973., 01-IX-1973., 15-IX-1973., 01-XI-1973., 29-XI-1973., 13-I-1974., Korni grupa only tonight, 06-II-1974., 02-III-1974., 01-IV-1974., 27-IV-1974., Kamenski square, 01-V-1974., july 1974., 22-VIII-1974., 08-VII-1975., until about 24th, 23-VIII-1975., 23-VIII-1977., 10-XI-1977., 06-V-1978., 31-XII-1979., 02-VII-1981., september 1992., 15-III-2013., 05-VII-2014., 17-IV-2018., Branka, Endre Felbab (Eči), IV6.73, škodilak, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), Žika Šašić (Mongol), in serbian