
The first "Maksimetar" on TV was on 26th, when Korni grupa launched their greatest hit "Trla baba lan". They boosted each other, actually, because this was the one time when a new song, played at the end of emisija, with the credits rolling, was a hit at all. There were a few (next year, again Korni Grupa with "Jedan groš") but generally they'd come up with some feeble covers of foreign hits or weak attempts. Too bad, the show was popular from the very start, there was a big need for such one. It was loosely modeled on similar british or german shows, with some huge differences - there was no fourth wall, no distinction between the stage and audience, it was more a basketball court, with folks all around. The band would be on the right, Dragan Nikolić anywhere in the middle, whoever sang would take the center. Internal jokes were turned into tradition (like one viewer asking to see more of the drummer from Saša Radojčić's band, he's never on - and henceforth there would be a mandatory block where they'd play some dance number and one camera was fixed on him). Too bad it was just once a month.

The choir from "Hair" had a tezga here, I hope it paid well - they did enrich the atmosphere. Also on the sleeve for "Baba" it said "...and boys and girls from aunt Mira's theatre".

On 28th, met Tejka on ruža. She: "I didn't think it was possible to get a 4 for conduct for anything but cheating on a test". Me: "You had one strong cause, I had three weak, totals the same".

The famous sentence that Patak picked up somewhere and we all learned it by rote, because it sounded like so much nonsense (nowadays it sounds like some shrink's technobabble): "every man in life has certain psychic moments which act antifractilly upon his vital point which passes through his soma". Whatever that means, and whatever the poet meant to say.

Today, Gradivoj threw a birthday party. We all bought him singles, so within 30 secons he had his arms full of records. We all came by Airplane - that's how we called this guy who appeared all of a sudden. He was quite tall and wide, good natured, proportionately long hands, and he did resemble an airplane when he'd spread them. Someone would occasionally ask him to fly over the other end of ruža and see who's there, or to surround the supermarket (which is at least 20x14m). The house orders for the party were "whoever gets drunk, is leaving by air mail". Few girls there - Rencika, Dragana, one more from VIII2, the female twin (Sarča's sister) and one more from my street. And fifteen frajers. Good atmosphere. The only scene I do remember was when I was dancing with that girl from the class, and the song playing was Marmalade and "Reflections of my life". Still have that on my playlist (OK, not all my playlists). She had cut her hair quite short recently, yet managed to look stunning that way.

There was a bottle of Cinzano, which nobody knew how to pronounce right (čincano), but any of the circulating version would do. There was also vinjak, brandy, fruit juices (even blueberry). Sandwiches just like at last doček, even some cake, eaten mostly by the guys. Rencika got mortus (someone said abortus) drunk, puked, someone took her home. One guy got solidly drunk, for he was breaking up with some girl from the other end of ruža (I knew her then; quite pretty, and a pretty older sister too; she died summer 2012). So he tried to find some comfort with whichever girls were available. Someone played guitar with just two strings. Asked for some thread to improvise the C, G, F and Čklj strings. Čklj was the favorite invention of the month, a nonexistent consonant which we all thought should exist, just couldn't find a way to introduce it into words, but perhaps Đura may become Čkljura.

Rest of the month: During the day, mostly reading "Hamlet", and thinking a lot. In the end, amazed by the number of violent deaths, seven I think, mostly by treachery, trap, trick or just a misunderstanding. But I did conclude that the old guy had brains, and had reached many a universal truth. Also tried to write a bit of modern poetry myself and didn't think much of the result, so just gave it up, it's not for me.

There was an awkward moment few days later. Someone passed the news that our school principal died. Incredible, yes, no, you're lying... and just when the guy was ready to swear his honest pioneer word... she just passed by.

Mentions: 01-V-2021., doček, Dragana Vitas (Dragana), Emerencija Nerdelji (Rencika), emisija, frajer, Gradivoj Čović, Gradivoj Sarčević (Sarča), Patak, ruža, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), tezga, VIII2, vinjak, in serbian