
Today Duca and Tejka managed to cheer me up, after I got a two in physics, which did kill my mood. Didn't play cards, just made drawings of each other, of Tejka's legs, profiles, profiles filled to pictures. Duca is much closer to me today, though it's more in spirit than anything else (just like that guy biting his fingernails in bed while she reads a book by Plato). The preparations for doček have advanced - we have the list of attendees - and I'll probably delegate the gathering of the money to Dragana.

On 24th we decided that Gradivoj, Đ and I collect the money.

On 25th Dedica said "you know" whole 297 times, while talking about gerundiums, gerundives, imperatives, Ovidius, Pyram and Tisbe. Dragana tried to make peace with Gradivoj, but he said "sorry can't leave the toilet with live cigarette, come next break". Total defeat. "One half cigarette is more important than I? What bullshit.". Of course, she didn't appear next break.

BTW, the toilets are no man's land. Smoking is forbidden (to students) but there is an unspoken agreement that toilets will not be checked. And there is always a bucket with water into which to sink the butts.

After the third class mom came by, we went out to buy me a shirt. When I came back, we had an empty class. Zova was playing pingpong with Staša, bouncing it off the floor. Sredljak, Mjedac and I were sitting on the teacher's desk. The door was open and I spotted Duca dropping in. I waved her, and she went out, me following. Going for a leak, returning, here she is. What's up? Maths written, I've done nothing. If I got the first task right, it's a two, otherwise an ace. Radoje is bullshitting. (Ah so it was that girl only for the first couple of months, then he came back from the army and took us and them over). I'm trompet for maths. What did you get last time? A two. Well not that bad. What? Well you said it can always be worse. Nobody dies from two deaths. And you? A four, but was five on trimester. I'm not complaining. And so on for half an hour. Definitely not a couple, but we do feel close.

She came with Tejka in the afternoon, nothing written down, nothing happened. When they left, Đ. came with almost all the money, pretty much as planned. Went to ruža with him. Another guy signed in. In other news, Džok may not be able to bring the new tape recorder.

On 27th we bought mineral water, beer and blueberry juice. Trouble with Bosa - she and Vladimira still didn't pay. Somehow managed to sleep long in the morning, but woke up with a headache. Tejka and Dragana didn't like the news of this extra guy coming - one "almost had a stroke... this guy can't stand Gradivoj and will do anything to keep us split... all over, no chance now", the other paled on the spot.

On 28th I had B., the idiot from VIII2 whom most don't like (he's been mentioned many times, but not enough to merit a personality here or a name, disliked by many) forced his way into the doček, "he traveled from Dubrovnik just to be with us... paid 30 thousand for the airplane, can't refuse him". I raised my hands and let it go.

On 29th, Duca divulged her plan, to tell her dad that she's visiting mom in the village, while moving to Tejka for the afternoon. She'd go there the next day, after doček. Afternoon there was a show in Zmaj, Zafir Hadžimanov was singing (being a soldier here at the moment, he was let out for this), and I went there to shoot a spool of 8mm. Nothing much there, it's just that we already had those lights from police, and that I managed to tip the microphone stand, so the amp guys fucked to me everything by the list ("jebali mi sve po spisku" is a common expression). V. was there, beautiful as ever, and still (again!) in 8th grade. We danced a lot and I even kissed her when we parted. (another thing I forgot... ah, memory).

The 30th, last day before doček, Tejka is messing something with some Beštara guy, pretending to be deeply enamored in him. He'll be elsewhere, but I invited him to drop by, promised he will. I was content to just be with Duca again, everything settled back to normal, forgot about V. Oli Boj gave me a tip that Beštara is actually got Duca in his sights. We'll see. Duca said Oli Boj is just bullshitting, nothing there.

Mentions: Bosiljka Šain (Bosa), doček, Dragana Vitas (Dragana), Dušica Tošin (Duca), Gradivoj Čović, Gradivoj Sredljev (Sredljak), Milovan Sebešćen (Beštara), Olivera Stojanović (Oli Boj), Radoje Maletin, ruža, Sima Veljin (Džok), Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Stanoje Serdarević (Staša), VIII2, Vladimira Brkljević, Zdravko Smetovački (Zova), Zmaj, Živko Mjedenica (Mjedac), in serbian