
Didn't go to club, even though it was a sunday. In the evening there was no chance I'd get there on time because there was a movie in the afternoon ("Experts", no idea what that was), so I took the car, despite planning for foot. At disco she's not there, and I even peeked out to see if she's there without cash to get in. Gavra tried to engage me to divide the ugly one while he boils his pick, but I said don't, remember how that ended last time. I don't remember. The better so, just don't put me to that job. Then some chick scrounged for cigarettes and then I remembered that I forgot to bring them... and then she arrived. Me forgetting turned out to be a serious issue, she pretended not to know me. Then Arpi came by and pushed her head from behind, straight to my nose. Luckily we had a handkerchief so for the next ten minutes I was dousing my nosebleed. While that lasted I managed to get into a dispute with Hazim. During this vacation I skipped shaving below jawline, the hairs there grow in weird directions and it fucks me a little when shaving, so I gave it a break. He was just keen on telling me that I should shave. And to cut my hair "like a human". I retaliated equally, that he should grow some human sized hair, isn't he ashamed to walk around looking like this.

Don't know what's up with the man, really, is it him trying to stick to the party line, or which dick is it to him? He seemed to mean it seriously.

(... 81 word...)

Meanwhile, Dado Topić, Peco Petej and Tihomir Pop Asanović played some, wasting who knows which farewell tour, milking the last remains of Time. A sound box fell. That's the screwup with the small side stage, it's tight in there.

Then her game was explained - she saw a movie with Fernandel about amnesia, so played that a bit. We scratched a couple of cigarettes, one from Gavra and one from some guy whom I know since obdanište. Then got into the car, and realized (... 41 word...).

Finally returned the bike to Mariška on 29th, tuesday. Dropped by the library, they were closed on this day, no reason. Then went on to her, sat with her until 21:30, just talking. Planning how to overcome the summer. She won't be allowed to go with me, and I probably won't be allowed to stay at home, will most likely be forced to go to Borik. I'm adult now, perhaps that should count some.

Wednesday, thursday, library again, doing the matricular work. On friday, to kinta, didn't forget cigarettes this time. Excellent mood, but short time. Made it to the bus back.

Finished reading "Divides" ("Deobe") - fuckit, 914 pages. I did that to Sonja since first grade - we have "Illiad" on our mandatory (well, sort of) reading list, I don't like it, so I read the "Odyssey". Now it was Dobrica's "Roots", din't like it, read "Divides".

At Tekstil at 19:00, then to Trpeza for a double rum and beer, then to Dom, Vasa and Zaka were playing. Chatter with Vanji. R. from bookstore came by, and we mocked him for having several items in the store window marked as "new", with quotation marks - was it really new or is it wink-wink-new? Omege are better than before but still shit. Played pinball. We parted at 23:20 and I got home at 0:40 - it usually takes me 55 minutes to get home, hurry or not. I didn't write down where the time went.

On sunday, 3rd, at the club they bought the same projector that I have, only now it's more expensive. They all lined up to watch me leave the parking, the bastards. Tossed a kinta in the evening, it fell on take the car. Gave a lift to neighbor's sister, an unhinged kid (turned out later that she did have psychological problems... too bad, she was really cute).

Went to the viša, some gig there - the Pa šta onda are playing, theis singer is on leave. Afterwards we went to the poligon... which is the leftover part of the WWII german airstrip, anyone can guess how many meters is the concrete deep, and now it's mostly used, this side of the road, for driving schools - dad learned first moves there, and so did I. The other side of the road it's some agricultural thing, stables and pigpens. We weren't the only car there, but it's big enough that we were at a distance.

This is where the 12th tome of the diary ends, with an addendum on 5th of february: I wrote a SF story and sent it to Zabavnik. Forgot about that one completely, always counted the one from 1982 as the first. Which is more correct, probably.

Dad came around noon, to drive him to Zemun, elbow hurts and what [meds] he took is not for driving. The ailment was, in the end, purely psychical, the hand always hurt around exams, and healed when he graduated. I drove well, škodilak gave it a nice run on the road. He does keep nattering at times, but being resistant to that is among a good driver's skills. So I already learned to ignore it and not get mad.

Mentions: Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), Borik, Dom omladine, Gavrilo Taroški (Gavra), Hazim Jabučin, kinta, obdanište, Radoslav Kajganić (Zaka), Sonja Savković, škodilak, Trpeza, Vasa Šančev, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), viša tehnička, in serbian