
The big denomination, this time for real. Six zeros are taken down. Both denom.prg and demon.prg are getting new versions. Two or three yugos were buzzing around, two modem lines were running, and I think even my bicycle was in the picture. Just had to deliver this to everyone asap.

Which is about the time when we practically ran out of money to finish the house, and yet we wanted to move this year. Only the heating left to do - the water and sewers were in place, electricity (apart from a few switches which weren't exactly what we said)... just heating. We need to buy a boiler and pay the hands. I got the distributor done in MIP last year (and, by weird coincidence, the one girl from the 1982/83 generation was on the team who did it, the one who was a very good student and a southpaw, leftwise slanted handwriting, so her 9 was understood as a q by the guy behind her, and the third guy behind already got, by some miracle, a q2).

Don't know how it came to getting cash from DBA. Whether Sale already started maneuvering (this was before that vacation), did I ask or did he offer, or did he pass the word that we'll finance each one of us in turn so I need only ask. The storyline had it that we are a private company now, but the state controls everything so tightly that we can't extract any profit... so there should be some part of it which won't be controlled. So I got 1300 DEM out of that part, and a couple of months later Grgi got some (for the car? Did he not pay off the corolla already? My calendar is a bit confused here in terms of years and months.).

Whichever timing is true, I got the cash and Sale considered my loyalty bought. Loyal I was, but no more and no less than before, and not because of the money. DBA was a thing we made ourselves, it's ours, period.

With this cash we bought the boiler and paid off Vlasta when he did the heating. His part was 700 DEM plus whatever his dad drinks.

Mentions: Aleksandar Raskov (Sale), Atila Gereg (Grgi), DBA, Vlasta Čkuljić, yugo, in serbian