
The day before, the grand packaging took place. Or rather, time.

My dad, as usual, had some plans for my guests, but was foiled by them flying away on st Nikola's day. Nina then found that the guy was a protector of sailors and travelers, so it's actually the best day to go. Dad knew when he was beat.

Just like last time, packing the meds took most of the time - I bough a hill of colchicine again, don't know how many hundreds of euros this time (okay, looked it up: once 137€, once 209, they didn't have as much at once), far less than last time, because it was colchicine only. The other one was far more expensive, but he didn't need it anymore.

Each strip had to be unboxed, bundled by eights with rubber bands, then insert the bundles into various cavities among the luggage. We ended with a big bag full of empty boxes, just like last time.

The most interesting part was the packaging of Raja's PC, which Ender peformed while lying on the couch. Incredible.

The parting at the airport went almost routinely. I already mentioned that I visit the airport more often than downtown.

While they waited to check their luggage in (I came in later, as I left them at the entrance and drove around - the parking entrance is on the other side), they got bored. They had installed those tape fences to zigzag the queues long ago, so I couldn't just join them, rather walked decently near, and started wiggling my eyebrows at Raja, one up one down then reverse. He finally noticed and thought it was very funny. Oh boy, I'm doing that for years and only now it's funny.

Checking in Raja's PC was a bit complicated, it being in a cardboard box and us claiming it's a PC, so Ender and I had to take it somewhere else to be x-rayed, but that also passed.

Raja and Violet were climbing up and down on the monkey frames, the same kind that's in every rođendaonica, made from same parts. We had a coffee, everything regular. Except Violet ran away at some point, and nobody was too keen to chase her - but chase was the game she wanted. Well the whole atmosphere was kind of forced, which is evident from complete lack of photos. I didn't bring the camera, but then none of us have pulled out a phone either. Nina did shoot some later, onboard the plane or on whichever airport the first leg ended.

When the moment to kiss and say goodbyes came, Ender gave his boarding pass to the clerk and left without a word. Didn't even turn for one last look, nor wave. As she said later, like some prince.

Neither we, nor Go nor Stanley could explain this.

Mentions: Ender Aquila (Ender), Gorana Sredljević (Go), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), rođendaonica, Ryu (Raja), Stanley Berger, Violet, in serbian