
On first everything went as planned. Borko called when I expected he would, came with Dragana perhaps three minutes after scheduled time, we got out of time the shorter way, and eventually found Bajlo's house, with perhaps quarter of a miss (of course there's no house number, but we remember the location well enough). The car which followed us was, of course, Staša, while we kept looking where he parked, as that would be the sure sign we're at the right place.

The only cultural shock was when Bajlo went to the bathroom - the rush of the cold air from behind the door. We're so used to have no so cold rooms in the house. We drank some apricot he had (not his, from a cousin, his universe consists of relatives anyway), not bad at all, I didn't look for anything else, though it didn't attract me much either, it's one of those one can sip indefinitely.

He prepared the filled carp just like he did 02-IX-2017., maybe even better. Excellent, five, sit down. We sat and chatted, ate, well a good evening altogether. I finally tried Staša's wine, well give me that, a neutral black without excess taste, body, head and other greenery, simply wine.

Both Borko and Staša did drink a little, but then it's not much of a drive, specially that Staša took a shortcut through the fields, says the road was excellent, with just a few potholes, but he knew where they were.

Worked on a few things in python today, and not specially for Byo, but rather to preserve the current state of alert.prg, where I managed to bind the hotkeys on the button to an event, but not the buttons themselves... so before I reshuffle the code to do that, wanted to preserve the current version, for which I needed to spruce up the zipper script. The trouble with the zipper is that I hardcoded the paths, and then couldn't just let it zip the current folder, it would take the hardcoded paths, never the current folder, because what it thinks is current folder is where it was written, i.e. location of the script. Then it turned out quite simple, once I found how it takes parameters from the command line, and where do I find them.

The other thing I did was insertion of the photos. I did that in fox version since about 2015, I had a form with a file picker, but after switching to linux this file picker, being a system service, is now simulated and very poor. It doesn't show the photos, so I don't know what I'm doing; when I move up to the parent folder it doesn't stay on the folder I just left, but goes to the top so I immediately lose context; when I'm typing a filename I have to be rather fast - when I type „ste“ I don't get the files beginning with „ste“, but those with „e“, because I wasn't fast enough between t and e (which is the major reason for sticking with catal6, which waits). So instead of that, I added a button to pass the filename from the stevka (clipboard, see house dictionary), but that's not easy either, because in Geeqie, the image viewer I use, copying the filename to clipboard is a plugin which doesn't work. It does in eog, but eog has its own downsides (like no treeview, one window per folder, unconfigurable layout). I tried to simply drag and drop the file from Geeqie into the text, but no, wine doesn't simulate drag'n'drop, so nothing happens... but it does in Python. So I drop it there, copy the filename to clipboard, switch to the fox app, use that „from stevka“ button and there it is. The first photo I carried that way was of Lena on 05-VII-2014., and then it became easy.

Mentions: 05-VII-2014., 02-IX-2017., Good fish, alert.prg, Byo (Byo), catal6, Dragana Vitas (Dragana), fox, house dictionary, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Mališa Borkovski (Borko), Nenad Bajlo (Bajlo), Stanoje Serdarević (Staša), in serbian