house dictionary

(Translation, Yugoslavia)

This is our internal dictionary, what words we used in the family.


Anaesthesia, from the song and the disnified cartoon and whatnot. They are both pronounced ehnehsteyzha. This is probably the record number of aitches/km in a single word, that I had to put as pronunciation instruction.


Instant coffee, made with hot tap water. Bojler is a boiler, but doesn't mean a kettle for central heating, it's the water heater for sanitary water. A false friend.

We did make a bojleruša many times when on the road, and the room has neither rešo nor mirko.


After an episode of ξ (CSI) with Vincent d'Onofrio, where some character described him as „man with a broken neck“, because of his habit to tilt his head all the way to the right and look at the suspect from that angle. We had, over time, at least three of those that I can quickly remember: a hen and two plums. The hen is mentioned at 02-IX-2014., and the plums were, one at a time, in Čankovo. The tree would break, but wouldn't die - the crown would lie on the ground and keep growing like that, even bearing fruit for years.


A fastmunch, a fast food joint, usually a kiosk. The expression is borrowed from burundi. „Žderati“ - to devour.

čikine nogice

Uncle's tiny legs, but that's a rough translation. Little leg is „nožica“, properly palatalized; „nogica“ is used for mostly pork, when these are trotters with nails removed. This, however, is unrelated, this is „chicken nuggets“, translated by similarity of sound.


Derived from čorba, which it actually is, just made out of the water in which the macaroni for šlingeraji (see below) were boiled, with some of macaroni left plus some zaprška and perhaps a potato or two. House special in both granma's and our cuisine.

grufag [groofug]

Group hug, as one word, has ph in the middle, which is read as f, right? Yes, we thought so. Happens when two in the family embrace, third says „groofug!“ and hugs them both... went up to five people at times.


Light, for the cigarette. This may have entered here even before (... 2 words...)I courted a medical student; I know it was very much in use by then.

has a soul

Applies to any player, hardware or software, which plays some numbers more often than the others, the joke being that it plays what it likes. It began with the CDs (see 02-IX-1996.) but then applied with anything that had a less than entirely random song selector - from Winamp to FooBar to Qmmp to Strawberry, three walkman CD players, several car sound systems, spanning almost thirty years.


Literally, „to more“, i.e. a verb made out of „još“, „more“. Means to go for seconds, to help oneself again. „Si jošio?“ means „Did you pour yourself a second plate of soup, may I take the soup pot off the table?“.


Leftovers from juče, i.e. yesterday. Analogous to how names of meats are not derived from french, but from animals themselves - svinja/svinjetina (pig/pork), pile/piletina (chick/poultry), ovca/ovčetina (sheep/mutton).


„as you like it thing“ - invented by Go when she drew a hopscotch scheme in all curves and without numbers, amazed at the whole idea that the chalk lines would somehow dictate your movements. When asked about how does hers work, she invented this word, so it rhymed with „šantalica“ (the limper) but gave you liberty to go as you like.


As a verb it means „claps“, „clobbers“, describing the sound of cereals falling into a mug with milk. It's a noun now, and denotes the cereals and whatnots.


Anything adorned with glitter, ribbons, reindeer, snowpersons, bunnies, snowflakes and one of the two permitted colors (the one shade of green and the one shade of red), with the intention to fit on the shelf with the rest of it, each november and december, or generally anything designed to promote the sales of such stuff.


Color of creamy nature (kremkast), this was actally Go's typo once in a skype chat, memorable because „krme“ is a hog. Covers anything drab, which still has some hue to not be really gray, but not enough to be a color.


krpa is a rag; -ište is a suffix most often denoting a place with whatever it is attached to; krpište is thus a sack of rags, leftover cloth from sewing etc, which will once perhaps be of some use. Stays untouched for years, and then is suddenly needed.


A portmanteau of „krtog“ - horrible mess, disarray, everything piled up, and „vrtlog“ - a whirlpool. Invented accidentally by Tereza, who never became aware she just invented a new word.


A microwave oven. See the article.


Muffins, which would be mafinsi in straight serbian transcript (the same way „beatles“ became „bitlsi“), then in equalization via similaritly became mufljuzi. Mufljuz is a turkish loandword, means a murky character, one that can't be trusted except to be trying hard to cheat you. Now it's a piece of cake.


Ailment which mostly doesn't hurt or cause trouble. Has only one symptom, the patient exclaims „e, naspider mi još jednu“ every now and then (hey, pour me another one).

ohoho (awhawhaaw)

Paprika or other hot stuff one pours into čorba, beans, sarma, paprikaš or gulaš. So it happened once in 2002 that she was pouring paprika from a pint bottle (they love big packages there) into her soup, and a sizable nugget, perhaps 1cm in diameter, rolled into her plate, to which she said „ohoho!“... and then poured more.


Literally, „pride“. It's our nickname for the novogradnja on Žitni square, apartments upstairs, shops below. The occasion was the article in local paper, when it was opened, saying „pride of our town“, probably because of the first escalator in town. But the largest shop there, roughly two thirds of the space, remained empty for two years. Because the city fathers fucked up - the Beograd department stores (RKB) wanted to build a store somewhere on ruža or 25. maj, but they wouldn't let them spread too much around town, probably planning to create stour soon, so avoid competition. But now, building this, they had exactly the RKB as the tenant in mind - well these just refused and that was it. After two long years they managed to get the textile guys make a carpet sales salon there, which actually looked great. Just too little, too late for pride.


From „pridružiti se (to something or someone)“ - to join in, or with, to get into company of. Anyone who says „me, too“ is a pridrug. Theoretically translatable as adsociate or byjoiner.

(... 89 words...)

Randomizer, i.e. any gadget or piece of code that works on random numbers. Named after the rnd() function in zx spectrum's basic. Mostly used in solitaire, music players, fes; the latter even has its own, tweaked to prefer latest shots. Škrba prefers „rndaljka“, probably because of the Levenštejn vicinity of redaljka (gangbang).


Software, in a portmanteau of „sopstven“ - one's own, proprietary - and „softver“ i.e. software, as coined by S.G., chief accountant in a farming enterprise near Kikinda.


From an apocryphal story which appeared on sezam back in the day. It was about a construction entrepreneur, gazda Steva, always making rounds of his building sites around Belgrade, having troubles when košava would disturb the drawings he carried, so he invented a thin plank with a spring-loaded strip to hold them together, and carried the drawings pressed so. It became famous around town and got named stevka, after him. The next story is about some descendant of his, who found it and took with him to USA, and then when he worked at m$ just showed it there. They didn't adopt the name, so invented the roundabout descriptional clipboard instead.

All of us at rasejani, suština and oldwave use this word, and so do we in the family.

susjed, susjetka

Ma parent's first neighbors. We'd say sused, or rather komšija (turkish), but this special croatian form came to be in august 1988., when we were neighbors at the sea.


Mac and cheese, baked in the oven. The pastry being flat with wavy edges, granma called it that (the word was previously denoting some such ribbon on a dress or skirt), not remembering what it was called otherwise. Which it wasn't, didn't have a name, now it does.

The plate on the photo was made in the USA, this time with macaroni.

to 15:00

„to three mother's cunts“, tri pičke materine, abbr 3 pm, but since I hate the imbecility of the am-pm notation, I switched to european 15:00. Not used in speech, though, but often in writing.


Hortense (the flower). Someone, probably granma, couldn't remember its name so came up with this, which is derived from romanian trandafir (rose), treating it as if it was a german word.


Double birthday. We already have two - Go and I, Sanda and Linda. Sometimes it's also arranged when two birthdays are within ten days or so, and a party is made somewhere in the middle. It was done a few times for Jagoda and Milan or Nina and Violet.


After oma's „weckschmeise“ (probably „weg schmeise“) - to dump, put away. There are two, actually, the smaller one being like a bent screwdriver with a notch, to pull out smaller nails. The regular one is a stiff spatula of some mad steel, probably a decorator's tool to scrape paint, but strong enough to be used as a wide flat chisel. I hammered mine a lot, used it to remove tiles, furniture glued to the wall, to cut drywall... lots of things.


Toilet tank. „Vući“, to pull, in past tense is „vukao“, so it's the contraption where you pull the chain to flush. Vukašin being also one of the kings from the Mrnjavčević dynasty (1320-1371) only gives it class.

whistle the rest

When one sings but knows only the first couple of lines, beyond that point one whistles. Pretty soon the phrase began to denote any situation where the speaker knows something only to a point, and what goes beyond that point is anyone's guess, then say this.

The original phrasing is best translated as „further on, one whistles“.

you took my say

It began as the kids' shorthand for „you took the word from my mouth“, or they just couldn't remember how it went, which is a common phrase in serbian. Corresponding english would be „my thoughts exactly“. The „say“ as a noun didn't exist before.

Mentions: 20-VI-1968., 05-VIII-1973., Back together, 22-V-1974., Prom night, 22-VIII-1974., 01-XII-1981., august 1988., 03-IX-1990., 10-II-1995., 02-IX-1996., 06-I-1998., 29-III-1999., 26-XI-1999., 20-XII-1999., 25-IV-2000., 02-II-2001., 11-VIII-2001., 17-III-2002., 21-VIII-2002., 24-VII-2003., 27-III-2004., 01-IV-2004., 07-VI-2004., 05-VII-2004., 23-VII-2004., 02-VIII-2004., 07-VIII-2004., 18-VIII-2004., 26-VIII-2004., 05-X-2004., 15-X-2004., 08-XI-2004., 17-II-2005., 10-VIII-2005., 06-I-2006., 16-IV-2006., 09-III-2007., 31-VII-2007., 01-XI-2007., 16-XI-2008., 30-I-2009., Farewell to TV, 13-II-2009., 11-VI-2009., 28-XI-2009., 21-III-2010., 05-VII-2010., 09-VII-2010., The big return, 15-VII-2010., 31-I-2011., 02-VI-2011., 30-I-2012., 26-II-2012., 04-III-2012., 24-IV-2012., 02-IX-2014., 04-X-2014., 23-XI-2014., 14-XII-2014., 13-VI-2015., 13-V-2016., june 2016., 02-VII-2016., 03-IX-2016., 24-XI-2016., 05-XII-2016., 20-IV-2020., 20-VI-2021., 20-VII-2021., 03-XII-2021., 12-XII-2021., 27-XII-2021., 14-I-2022., 14-III-2022., 29-V-2022., 30-VIII-2022., 10-IX-2022., 23-IX-2022., to Divčibare, 25-IX-2022., 26-IX-2022., 07-X-2022., 17-X-2022., 07-XI-2022., 08-XII-2022., 16-XII-2022., 01-I-2023., 16-I-2023., 02-II-2023., 17-III-2023., 13-IV-2023., 21-V-2023., 29-V-2023., 07-VI-2023., 24-VII-2023., 08-VIII-2023., 30-IX-2023., 02-X-2023., 05-X-2023., 12-X-2023., 16-X-2023., 22-X-2023., 01-XI-2023., 18-XII-2023., 04-I-2024., 05-II-2024., 21-II-2024., 24-II-2024., 11-III-2024., 25. maj, burundi, Čankovo, čorba, debelaMačka, fes, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Gradivoj Sredljević, Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Jagoda Umljanić, košava, Linda Sredljevich Aquilla (Linda), Majkrosoft (m$), Milan Umljanić, mirko, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), novogradnja, oldwave, oma, rasejani, rešo, ruža, Sanda Sredljević Aquilla (Sanda), sarma, sezam, solitaire, stour, suština, Tereza Mazek, Violet, zaprška, Zina, ZX Spectrum, in serbian

1-VII-2022 - 25-IV-2024