Byo (Byo)

(App, USA)

The app in which I write what's written here, this autobiography. Over time I grew intu such a tool writer programmer, that this was the inevitable outcome, that I'll code a pencil for myself with which I will be writing all of this. Because I needed this calendar structure, and semiautomatic insertion of metalinks into the articles, and keeping everything in a database. There's no such text processing app which would be able to do exactly what I need and be still cheap enough to make writing it on my own less than worthwhile. Had I bought something like that, I'd be mad at myself for forking out the dough for something I could [have done] myself, and then for it not doing things which and how I wanted.

And then they say that the cobblers walk barefoot.

The app I wrote as zod first, then in may 2007 forked into a separate project, to use as a tool to write this byography. Still doing that in fox, except that since 28-III-2020. there's also a Python/Dabo version, in which I write the serbian language version of it.

In july of 2020 I retamped the database so everything got copied from fox tables, i.e deebyeffs, into postgres, where I was doing the serbian version. After that, anything that gets added or updated in the english version, gets transfered into postgres, except the text goes into side fields, so it's not trudged over. By the end of that year I started writing the current events in serbian first (but still made the record in fox first), then translating into english later, then there I add the photos, bring the pseudolinks back into serbian... Sometimes there's a lot of forth and back [the other way doesn't make much sense], which isn't bad, jogs my memory, makes me spot the blots, so I fix them.

Around september 2023 I just had enough of the brethren holding the linux wine (which is no emulator) because they revoked the possibility of typing or pasting (from stevka) text in any other script but english, so I gave up on writing the english version of this in fox. Sounds like a paradox that I can't do english because it can do only english, but I do have sufficient number of names with those three characters that don't pass, not to mention spurious bits of hungarian or cyrillic text... In the end, I transferred the english version into python too, and now both texts are in the same postgress record, just with separate sets of fields. Much easier this way, and I think I got into a bout of scriborrhea since I got that running.

Mentions: A word from the author, Notes on grammar, spelling and other witchcraft, Really, why?, Version 1.1, 06-V-1973., 29-X-1973., 22-IX-1994., 13-X-2003., 05-V-2004., 16-V-2004., 04-VI-2007., 06-XII-2009., 12-XII-2009., 10-I-2010., 08-I-2011., 21-VII-2013., 28-X-2013., 11-II-2014., 31-V-2014., 05-VII-2014., 16-X-2014., 06-XII-2016., 19-IV-2019., 29-VII-2019., 13-VIII-2019., 12-I-2020., 24-I-2020., 31-I-2020., 28-III-2020., 30-III-2020., 04-IV-2020., 20-IV-2020., 15-V-2020., 11-VI-2020., 20-X-2020., 02-XII-2020., 05-XII-2020., 14-XII-2020., 18-XII-2020., 18-I-2021., 01-II-2021., 01-III-2021., 03-III-2021., 14-V-2021., 20-VI-2021., 01-VII-2021., 18-VIII-2021., 20-XI-2021., Walnut, gone, 03-XII-2021., 27-I-2022., 13-IV-2022., 11-V-2022., 03-VI-2022., 10-VI-2022., 19-VI-2022., 15-VII-2022., 26-VII-2022., 05-VIII-2022., 10-IX-2022., 26-IX-2022., 07-X-2022., 17-X-2022., 08-XII-2022., 02-II-2023., 06-III-2023., 13-IV-2023., 13-V-2023., 21-V-2023., 29-V-2023., 24-VI-2023., 20-VII-2023., 14-IX-2023., 11-X-2023., The fire, 22-X-2023., 10-XI-2023., 11-III-2024., 17-III-2024., 14-IV-2024., alert.prg, fox, GenerAll, Gradivoj Sredljević,, Version 1.3, zmajček, zod, in serbian