
Wrote srPosition class, because I'd need it in many places, already did. Simple as that. It would restore the position and size of its parent when instantiated, and would save it, as the user has set it during operation, when destroyed. So next time it restores it all as it was last time.

Paige passed me this bit of wisdom, passed down from a friend of his: „Write documentation as if whoever reads it is a violent psychopath who knows where you live.“, by one Steve English.

For Sean, I started working on a quick search function, because the current one didn't even give any progress indication, so you'd click a few more and it would start anew, and you'd have several searches going on at the same time, messing with each other. This ended up as a text index - the whole text being basically read only, I could run the indexing at home, speed didn't matter, and would end up with the position of any relevant word in each text. The search would thus become a simple index search, which I'd then join with the related articles, calculating relevance (more if the word was close to the beginning of the text, more if it repeated, less if text was short etc... easy to calculate once per word, easy to aggregate when searching). It was extremely fast, didn't even need any progress indicator - it would finish before the user's impedance interval, i.e. before the user would wonder whether the app froze. I'll end up using this trick a few times later.

Within two weeks I went through the whole cycle - sent him the bill, got the check, was pleased with the amount, sat idle looking for the nex gig.

(... 32 words...)

In the evening, it being the Fighter's day already, decided to walk to some place close to Mt Trashmore, where they run the city fireworks. It's not far, about 4km, we can walk. We could go to the boardwalk too, but that requires driving and, unfortunately, parking, not a matter to trifle with on a rush day. Our gift is to avoid rush... And it was all fine, I even brought a tripod so I can make long exposures without worrying about smears, except I haven't broken out the clogs that Nina brought. And sure enough, at about halfway the going became tough. Tried to walk barefoot, even worse, they don't make them with pebbles but rather with ground stones, each step is hundred sharp edges. With the current amount of pedestrian traffic, these will never dull. I survived somehow, with a lot of ouches and whoever beat my ears to do this.

We took a post at generally the place where we wanted to be, I made a bunch of shots, and I think I put together a nice autopatch, if I manage to find it... Well, no, can't find it anywhere. It's not a problem to make it again, it's that I'd have to remember which shots I used for parts, and I really lack the will, because I remember that the end result wasn't much better than any single shot.

Return was somewhat easier, as we took a few shortcuts between the houses, not exactly following the streets. The lawn is lyric poetry, compared to sidewalk or clogs.

That mt Trashmore, I first thought it was a joke, but then discovered it's official and exactly what we thought it was. Used to be city dump, grew too big and now too close to the new highway (the leg of it that ends with „end of road“ sign, where it becomes a street, which ends as 35th or thereabouts, and leads to the boardwalk)., so they covered it with soil and lawn, planted a few trees and now it's a park. Not the only one, there's another one on Florida, but the most famous one, looking at the web.

The next day I registered at some website called youtube, using my disposable email address at Berix's. Ricardo recommended the place few years ago, said they have old videos with T Rex etc from 1972 - and they did, I downloaded a few then.

Go has some chance to get that job on Florida, at EA. They don't seem to swift to react, and who knows when's their vacation season. We'll see. Nina is also looking for a job.

Dad reports they're remodeling the yard, the water tap is now away from the wall. Apart from the regulars, Carp also came by.

rasejani are scheduling a gathering for this saturday, as pLazić is in town.

Mentions: 16-XII-2022., Cecilia Roxbury (Berix), Gorana Sredljević (Go), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Paige S Stevenson, pLazić, rasejani, Ricardo Manuel Bariero (Ricardo), Sean Chertoff, Tasa Radenkov (Carp), in serbian