
(Person, Yugoslavia)

A fellow programmer, whom I first knew from sezam, then from rasejani, and finally met when I was able to attend to the meetings of the latter.

He was rather annoying during the first years, most of sezam was against him. Then he was rather full of himself (both ways - he knew everything the best and was seriously overweight), but when we finally met him he toned down a lot. The weight he lost temporarily, then went back around 2013.

Lives somewhere in the Silicone valley. Last I know, works at Netflix.

Mentions: 20-V-1995., 24-III-1999., Počelo je, 10-III-2000., 11-IX-2001., 04-III-2003., 06-VIII-2003., 27-III-2006., 04-VII-2006., 16-IX-2010., 21-VII-2011., 21-VII-2013., 15-VII-2017., 15-VII-2018., 13-VII-2019., 01-II-2021., 04-X-2021., 22-III-2023., 24-VII-2023., 05-II-2024., _pahuljica, rasejani, sezam, in serbian

9-IV-2012 - 2-IV-2023