
(Place, tavern, firm, Yugoslavia)

A mailing list, set up first by Škrba, then moved to our Mac guy's server, and eventually moved to the Gugao groups. Started out as the diaspora mailing for a bunch of old sezam members, with about half the people scattered around the world (one in Dubai, one in Kuwait, one in New Zealand, a couple in Canada, pLazić in Sillicon valley, and three of our family). Stinge, being a former editor of the magazine which spawned sezam in the first place, is member by force of logic.

After the 2nd move (from a mailing list hosted by Škrba's then employer, to one hosted on mac.com, to one under the google) we lost some members who didn't respond to the "we're changing address" email, including Nina and Go, though they appear at gatherings, when present.

As in the other occasions when any sezam gang gathers (likewise of other forums), real names are used sparingly, everyone is addressed by forum handle - so there I'm forever sGradlj, nobody knows that ajVar is actually Ivar, Magi is abbr. something (whatever it was), pLazić is Plaza, Stinge is brother Stinge (called so once, and it stuck) etc etc.

Mentions: 04-III-2003., 25-III-2003., 11-XI-2003., 08-IV-2004., 02-VI-2004., 16-VI-2004., 18-VIII-2004., 12-IX-2004., 26-II-2005., 27-III-2006., 04-VII-2006., 18-X-2007., 20-XII-2007., 15-IV-2009., 12-XII-2009., 25-VI-2010., 16-IX-2010., 01-V-2011., 21-VII-2011., 10-IX-2012., 13-VII-2013., 21-VII-2013., 22-VIII-2015., 15-XII-2015., 15-VII-2017., 15-VII-2018., 13-VII-2019., 18-I-2021., 04-X-2021., 20-XI-2021., Walnut, gone, 28-XI-2022., 20-VII-2023., 24-VII-2023., Dragojlo Kuntić (Kunta), Gorana Sredljević (Go), Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Gugao, house dictionary, karafindl, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), pLazić, sezam, sGradlj, Stinge, zanatlija, in serbian