
Around noon, with Marinko about transactions in escuelle and postgres, when is it automatic when manual, when it must, when it's needed, when it's hindering. Quite a mess and we didn't really come into clear: „I also don't quite know which way works when, what I have is working and I won't touch it, got other stuff to do. on the other side, I don't have the width - for I don't know how many years already since we're exclusively on MSSSQL. fuckit, nobody ever asked for any other database.“

At work, more entertainment with SHET and the great data munging, version 2013. E.g. in an ordinary intrauterine insemination cycle there's no source cycle, when they inseminate the egg in one cycle, take it out, freeze, then put back later in another cycle - this is the simplest method and many fields remain blank. So write validations to ensure they really are blank for this type of cycle. Owwwwch, this never ends.

More progress on upFeds - it now talks with Vault, takes the files from it, writes version numbers in few of them, sends them back, labels the whole cohort with current version number. It was screwy and complicated, but it paid, as the whole process is now automatic, hands free.

In the framework, in the hover buttons (which go white as you move the mouse arrow over them), I removed the existing dropdown menu and replaced it with Aleksej's, so it'll look the same as in other places. The metadata for all the menus throughout the app are in appltree.dbf (application tree, of apple kind :), so the new code will just use them like the old did. And it does look better this way.

In the afternoon we got news (from Arpi?) that Helga is in town, and got the address where she was - within a block from his place, practically on the main street of kinta, no problem to find the place. Ah, yes, she remembered, these are some closer friends of her, some kind of kum, that's where she stays when she visits. So we went there and find, sitting on a gonk-like terrace... Tika. He again :). He drove her (from Belgrade?), and they know each other from before, this is not the first time.

Helga doesn't look bad for the age, she's nimble and in good mood. Only the elbow looks weird, as if the bone tip broke off and just hangs around, but she doesn't seem bothered by it.

We took her to the nursing home, to see oma. It was somewhat touching, they used to not see each other for years, then regularly, when oma would winter with her brother or sister, and then not at all again when she stopped that. Was really glad to see her, but also drifted off a few times during the conversation. Helga didn't tell her that her brother died - even if he was alive, she wouldn't see him anyway, he stopped going around after heir son died.

Mentions: Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), gonk, Helga, kinta, kum, Marinko Protić, oma, SHET, Tika, upFeds, in serbian