
On 19th we got a rooster from the neighbor. Now we'll see how will the hens like that.

On 21st visited dad, probably brought him lunch, then went off to Čankovo - (... 7 words...), and we got a willow growing right behind the main shed. Mmmm... now looking at the shed from this side, there's some water dripping down the wall. And since the wall is just pressed clay, it won't hold for long. And this shed is actually where we spend most of the time when there. And that gable looks like it's missing a few planks.

We should do something about it soon.

Picked a bag of chards and two sacks of mouse grass, for the hens.

By 23rd, tiles in the upper bedroom were finished. Well, the edge isn't, we'll see about that corner when we approach it from the other side. This will be enough for now.

I just had to do some kind of crazy autopatch with this, and it worked swimmingly. On third try. I had to play with some parameters in the app to make it go less crazy with the bottom edge. I liked the result so much, that I soon published it on suština, and it had the text „Poincare, Lobačevski and Escher walk into a bar...“.

And, BTW, it's not „esh-er“, it's „es-hrer“, Jan explained to me how to read sch in dutch.

(... 63 words...)

On 25th she made a big batch of pihtije. The winter can begin.

Mentions: Čankovo, Jan Brenkelen, pihtije, suština, in serbian