
Dad distilled his first batch of loza in his new vineyard. Had about 400 plants already, but it was neglected and sparse in places. He immediately took to filling in the missing plants, and by 1988 he had about 700.

And he made wine. Black*, good, I'd say prokupac. I don't like black, but this was good. So we decided to try it out, both of them. Took a liter of loza and a liter of wine to Loba and Magi. She took the wine and we three the brandy. Drank it all. I have no clue how long we sat for that. When we got up we discovered we aren't in shape to walk home, so they removed the armchairs and coffee table where we sat, and spread two mattresses instead. And there we lay...

Later, returning from a pee, I quickly sobered up when I remembered that the operator girl form stambena is supposed to pick me up at 7 to go there, she's got the keys, to fix something in the app, don't remember what. The Partner will be available and no disturbance. Ugh, fuckit, if she gets to our gate before I do, she'll just wake everybody up... So I just shook my dear a bit, to tell her I'm gone, and hit the street. Luckily, at the bridge I hitched someone, and then told the guy to just kick me off by Lesnina, because I spotted the girl there. She got up a bit earlier, and walked around, gazing at shop windows. Excellent. Got into her car, went downtown (the stambena was next to Trpeza), she unlocked the main door, then the container in the yard where the Partner was, and I just sat and started churning code.

Dad's loza is a miracle. We three licked up a whole liter, and didn't meze much, we drank more than we ate, I slept four hours max, and I'm fit as a fiddle. Not hungry, not thirsty. Just asked the girl to make coffee.

She was interesting, specially her pose, crouching next to me and watching me work. The scene repeated a few times in the following years, with other women, but this was the first time and it looked really... let's let it go under appealing. But, after a night like this, my only desire was to sleep. And she did have a few downsides, the main being her passion for shopping, specially cute clothes items, and then mostly talking about what she saw in which shop. Didn't hear much else from her.

Got the job done, got home, no alarms were raised, everything cool. Just reported to dad that his production has passed the majstor's exam.


* that's what we call it, not red. And if you look at it, it's closer. The intermediate sort is, however, ružica, „little rose“.

Mentions: Lesnina, loza, majstor, Margita Gunaroši (Magi), meze, Partner, Slobodan Šumić (Loba), stambena zadruga, Trpeza, in serbian

20-I-2024 - 1-II-2024