september 1988.

At work in erc, more interest calculus, the inflation has gone crazy, at least officially. One month it would be 33%, next month 89%, then 45%. The code would take the interest rate as it would any other change - a reason to calculate under previous conditions until that day. That wasn't the problem, it was the bloody Cobol where the masks for printing amounts were fixed, you had to recompile and relink if you wanted to accommodate more digits.

More meetings at Students' and/or SSOJ. Once I remember sitting at the former, waiting for a few more people to come, and chatting with the kids. I wasn't a youth even theoretically anymore, or was at the older limit if you stretch the definition, but there I was, working on youth's project, so obliged to attend. Among these activists there was a really cute girl, with the kind of shoes I wore fourteen years ago (and would again, if I'd find a place where to buy them), the low heel, ankle deep antelope skin. Cute all over, of course a blonde, and probably from Čurda, looked the type.

Until she started talking with whoever was next to her. Not that there was anything wrong with her voice, it was the content that was. It was all about various guys cars, the more expensive the better. Many years later I understood I saw my first sponzoruša, a candidate waiting for the right guy with the right car. I lost interest on the spot.

Mentions: Čurda, erc, sponzoruša, SSOJ, Students' cooperative, in serbian