Version 1.3


Because of all the shit with running fox under wine/linux (has šž, but not đčć), qv under 20-VII-2023., I resolved to retambour the english version too into dabo/python/postgres. It took me from beginning of september until about twelfth. Now I got two versions which are launching equally fast, the pages generated contain a link to their counterparts in the other language (the forelast below, before the random page) where there is, because gibanica, vojska, predvojnička, košava and a dozenish others have no articles in serbian version - for which pretty [dick] should I explain what everybody knows. For some of those I changed my mind later, because although the explanation may be redundant, there's a story and history.

So by 12th september inclusive, I got it mostly all working; left to see about these:

- insertion of photos (with no separate form, it should work by sheer dropping into the text, and Byo should manage with what's thrown to it) [this works]

- to call the gimp to process the photo [works]

- to use declensions in english - though indeed they don't exist there, the feature would enable having, what may we need, nicknames, funny plurals, posessive adjectives and the like [works, turned out to be much easier than I thought]

- to automatically create new records if it finds something that looks like a pseudolink (and should ask me whether it is or isn't) [nope, gave up, it would accidentally create a lot of garbage too easily, hard to control, will not do, had that in fox version and didn't like it]

- c7 (catal6's heir) should behave a bit more elegantly [works]

- link search form should not forget where it left off [works but stays on the next record, got used to that, doesn't hurt enough to fix]

- it should have a view of historic materiel (this may remain in fox, there's just too many data there) [stays in fox until further]

- to have a view into old emails (which once worked in fox already, but some mailboxen surpassed the 2G limit and have thus become unreadable beyond that point, and some would need to be re-read, which is too much work and python can do the same much faster... which I wrote already as a proof-of-concept but didn't push it to any practical use) [still waits its turn]

Well, nothing important left.

By 14th of september I got the photos done, both insertion and editing, and cross-links.

Comments in brackets added in april 2024. Meanwhile a new version of wine came out, and now it again knows how to write latinic, but fuck the job's worth, I'm not returning to half-half, why bother with them windowses when I can do it all in linux.

June 2024: finally dragged old versions of the table from zips, so now I have, more or less correct, date when each article was written, and the date when it was last edited. Those are these dates below... on articles which get generated for any reason from now on. I have no intention to generate all 3000 articles (and in serbian too) just for this. This initial date will not be correct for the period between may of 2023 and today (15-VI-2024), because that was not in fox tables anymore, and I have no intention to restore backups for postgres database, it's a bit screwy to juggle for just such small detail. Coupled with that I wrote a bit of facility* for myself, on the form where I search for the record to which to insert a link, now it shows also all the cases it has (rarely used in english, but still), because without it I often made duplicates - for, e.g., nominative plural, I couldn't always agree with myself whether the suffix should be :m, :1m or :m1, so I'd have two or three records. Now I see the ones I already have. It's slower now, because at every step of the search it requeries the cases grid, but all the same, better this way.


* not a building, of course. „Facility“ actually means ease (of doing something), and if it can mean a building, it can likewise mean this bit of Python code which makes my life easier.

Mentions: 20-VII-2023., 14-IX-2023., 08-VI-2024., Byo (Byo), catal6, fox, gibanica, košava, predvojnička, vojska, in serbian

12-IV-2024 - 19-VI-2024