
On 16th I started writing the python code for sGradlj.com. After spending half of my life with fox, it's a bit weird, but then doesn't feel like a betrayal - it wasn't me who betrayed it, it's those three bad things about it (as I listed them during that job interview in Atlanta, see 28-I-2003.) - that it's m$, runs only on Windowses and doesn't do Unicode. Now with the 2nd point I managed to run it under linux just fine for several years (and while I write this, at least in the english version), but now that I use it mostly for handling text in two languages and it doesn't allow me to use serbian under the current instance of wine, and the focus issues just got worse - it now jumps into the command window when I switch to this version of Byo from somewhere else)... nope, too much trouble. Here, it did it again just when I went into Waterfox just to check my inquiry at the wineHQ forum. That was on 8th of june, and still nobody replied, so let's say I'm the only guy in the world who tries to use fox (or any other non-unicode app) under wine in a non-western charset. Well, ciao.

[I dropped in from time to time to see how it went, and in january 2024 finally found the question without any answers, and the topic locked, so not a ciao, it's goodbye.]

Got trouble with emails too. The same batch of messages keeps coming over and over. As of today, it's the messages since 15th. I've just unchecked the „keep messages on server“ in Thunderbird, see if that helps (it did - probably was always unchecked, but a recent update of T-bird flipped it). I'm hosting my emails and website with the same host for about 20 years, and this never happened before. And it's a sudden flood of messages, as the rasejani are gathering on sunday. (... 70 words...) We had two identical ideas of what to take along - the cherry brandy (not cherry, but rather cherry) and one of the bolivian chili peppers together with soil and its vessel, to be fresh and adorn the lunch table. So we'll take the van and go. Also, no gulaš there, we'll get some barbecue from Bob along the way (and so will Škrba and Kunta on their side).

On 16th and 19th we went to Čankovo. Didn't do much, I mowed a bit (not with švorceniger but rather with Stigma, i.e. the swedish Stiga mower), she picked blackberries. We picked the last apricots together, not one full bucket, just enough to restock with pekmez. Got the first figs as well (only three from there, plus a couple of kilos from home) so she made a chutney of figs, blackberries, tomatoes, onion and four bolivian hot peppers and one feferona (aka pepperoni, which is a plural of pepperone and not a sausage and not a pizza, its a hot pepper [added this to the „one is enough“ list in the python version of the app, the postgres tables being the authoritative now, will be on the site when I finish the grouped form and the generators]).

Turned out excellent. She picked more figs today, will make another batch. There was a bit which didn't fit in first two jars, so I spread it on sandwiches. Mmmm.

Dženifer. Second week at the garden. Managed to enter through the broken pane on the gonk and find the cat food bag on the kitchen table, spilled a lot on the carpet while tearing the bag. Then we hid the bag and, of course, by next time she went in and cleaned every last granule from the floor. And here they won't touch anything that stuck to their paws and fell off the plate.

She's dog gone - guards the house, waits for us at the gate, rubs against our legs, follows us everywhere, rolls on her back and wants a rib or belly scratch. Only kneads with her front paws like a proper kitten.

Džimi's kittens are gone. One died the day after the last big storm - they're mostly blind, caught the same infection as they always do, and being so small (the crazy mom led them out too soon) they just couldn't find their way inside, so they spent the night wet outside. Then Džimi started carrying them around, even up the apricot above the chicken coop, and within two days the other three also vanished.

And, ahem, change of plan, as expected - Raja and Violet are night shift, hit the hay in the morning, we oftens see them then (even I, with my regular wakeup time anywhere between 6 and 12), and the two also sleep very late and don't get up before 9 (Sanda) or 11 (Linda). So we'll go alone, us two, and will visit Bob on the way back. At least I won't be driving the van, and the AC in Joda works. For a while we thought it was low on freon again, but then I checked the buttons and, ah, it was on manual. Flipped it to automatic and then we got proper cooling.

Radoslav came to buy off her old bike. It ran fine until this spring, and then a bearing in the rear got stuck. Given that the bike has seen a lot of pavement in these thirteen years, she just went a bought a new one. We bargained a couple of weeks ago at 5000 RSD, then it came down to 2000, and he paid 1500 on the spot, the rest later. If ever. Cheap at that, if it costs me only 500 to never have to deal with him again, affordable and comfortable. He's actually a good neighbor, asks if his music is too loud or wrong kind, is always willing to have a pleasant neighborly chat, didn't do us any damage yet - but then when his dog ate two of our hens, he didn't even think to offer any compensation. So, we stay friendly and not too close. After months when he was announcing that his sons would come in a couple of weeks, and wife won't („she said she'll never return to Serbia, so I shooed her away“), now all of a sudden they're all here. And his uncle from the next street, with his son and grandchildren, for as long as that swimming pool stays, they just come through Juliška's yard.

On nineteenth we dodged a bullet, the storm passed away, way north. On 21st I went to the terrace for a smoke, before it began. At about half had to retreat two meters back, because the wind was shoving rain inside and I didn't want an extraordinary leg wash. Looking at our beech, and Juliška's, both 12-15m tall, swaying a lot but keeping firm. Ten minutes later, nothing.

On twonysecond Sanda found the insert from Joda's AC, asked what it was and is it okay that she used it as a microphone. Well we need to drop something into it to smell nice and then the AC will blow over it and the car should smell nice. This time she didn't complain about my talking in serbian, obviously understood everything :). And Nina said we got lavanda (aka lavender, though I don't know whether anyone ever anywhere succeeded in any lavending), and she paused the game, found it, dripped four drops on it and I inserted it where it goes. We'll see tomorrow.

Nina's homebirthers' website is going on nicely. Someone even treated her with 50$, i.e. clicked the „buy me a coffee“ button. Everyone knows what fuels the programmers.

Mentions: 28-I-2003., Byo (Byo), Čankovo, Dragojlo Kuntić (Kunta), fox, gonk, Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Joda, Juliška, Linda Sredljevich Aquilla (Linda), Majkrosoft (m$), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), pekmez, Radoslav Pajkov, rasejani, Ryu (Raja), Sanda Sredljević Aquilla (Sanda), sGradlj.com, švorceniger, Version 1.3, Violet, in serbian