Clara Milovan

(Person, USA)

The nervous thin girl who was our project manager at Zero between 11-XI-2000. and april of 2001. She made some impact for that short time, hence a name here.

Now, thinking of her, she was among the better project managers. A couple of decades later I sort of explained this as the job suiting the female way of thinking, not concentrated but all at once, exactly fit for the job. She'd keep tabs on all the issues we were working on, and understood most of the geek speak. And she was cute, except she was somewhat thin and I didn't like how her jaw was set, promising to be ugly when old. And she was also nervous, having to care of two sons, elementary school age, being divorced (never said how long ago). She kept the surname, because her ex was a Romanian and it sounded cool to her. Actually, the surname was serbian by origin, and we explained to her what it meant.

Mentions: 11-XI-2000., 20-XI-2000., 01-XII-2000., 09-XII-2000., 20-II-2001., 05-IV-2001., 11-IV-2001., Zero Distance (Zero), in serbian